Chapter 11: My Heart

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I woke up to Ryder gently removing my seat belt. I groggily mumbled a 'thank you' as I registered we had arrived at school. The wind pushed its way into the truck and I found myself shivering as my breath became visible in front of me.

"Cold, Doll," Ryder asked gently as he helped me from the truck, "I have my varsity jacket if you want it."

I felt my cheeks burn even in my foggy state. People would definitely notice.

"But- but, won't people question it," I asked as Ryder placed the thick fabric onto my shoulders anyway.

"Good," Ryder smirked, "let them question something other than their sexualities for once."

I found myself smiling as I laughed gently, wiping my eyes of the last bit of unconsciousness. His sense of humor was quick and witty, and I honestly loved it.

"Fine," I smiled up at him as he towered over a foot above me, "they can question us."

Ryder smirked back at me before wrapping his arms around my shoulders and pulling me against him as he neared the double glass doors near the office. He was cheeky and handsome and I knew dang well he was attractive. His stubble remained as a 5 o'clock shadow and I found myself tracing his jaw with the back of my index finger. I felt the sharpness of the short hairs that tickled my skin and for some reason my cheeks heated as I imagined the feel of his skin against my neck whenever he carried me. I was so small compared to him and I wasn't worried about being too heavy in his arms. Granted I was barely 5'1 and just over 123 pounds now, I still worried I was too big in some people's eyes; especially for a dancer. But any personal fear I had vanished with Ryder unless my anxiety got the best of me.

"Doll," Ryder mumbled as he brought us to my locker, "you enjoying the view?"

I scolded myself and instantly looked away, my cheeks heating to their usual red.

I turned my focus to the chill that lingered in the hallways, allowing itself in from the main doors and circulating through the halls. I knew the class rooms would have a similar chill to them and I already longed to be back in Ryder's bed under the thick sheets.

I huffed and hugged his jacket closer to me, mumbling about the cold. I hated the cold and the cold hated me.

"Ryder Spooner," I mumbled softly, leaning against his side as I rummaged through my locker searching for my first hour books, "can we stay in tonight? I can force some good Disney movies on ya'."

Ryder hummed and I knew some cheeky response was about to follow. My cheeks heated in anticipation as he drummed his fingers against the small of my back, "I'd love to, Doll. We'll clean too if you're still up for it."

I sighed a relief as nothing inappropriate came from the depths of his very bad mind.

"Of course," I smiled, "anything else?"

I closed my locker and instantly felt myself pressed against it, Ryder flipping me around to face him. His breath fanned over me and the scent of cigarettes and mint brushed my cheeks a soft pink.

"For the record," he smirked as he moved a piece of my hair from my cheeks, letting his other hand pull on my bottom lip, "I love when the school is empty, gives me the opportunity to tell you I much much would rather you on me than some Disney movie, Doll."

A yelp passed my lips as Ryder pulled away from me slowly, a smirk tugging on his pale pink lips. I was thankful for the empty hall way and the 15 minutes to the first bell. No one saw that.

It took me a minute to calm down. I didn't want the attention from others. I was used to Ryder's mindless retorts and sexual appeal. Well, as used to it as I was going to get. But that didn't change the fact that I was still some nerd living with a jock that seemed so confused in his emotions that I didn't know what was left or right with him.

The Bad Boy and the Nerd, TypicalDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora