The Heavy Weight of Living Part 2

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When I was younger, my mom or dad would come home drunk. At this time, I would wonder if anyone else had to deal with their intoxicated parents. I didn't mind helping them up the stairs, the slight bruises from their disoriented anger and stumbling, or even the smell of alcohol that literally burned me. What I hated was the blabbering of truth.

"The only way you will ever get a true statement is from a person fueled by anger or alcohol; both cloud the mind of its filter the same way," my dad's voice constantly rang through my ears whenever a remark was made to me.

I had only ever broken down once, and that was when my mother told me how she felt about the incident involving my sister and father. Nothing had ever hurt that bad; not even seeing my mother pressing her red lips in a drunken pain to another man's lips.

"Doll," Ryder suddenly piped up, turning towards me. I looked at him expectantly. We were in the middle of the kitchen, still seated at the island. Austin had yet to make an official appearance and my brother and his new chick were cuddled up somewhere.

"Hm," I hummed, looking away from his eyes. I knew he wanted to say something about earlier, but I wasn't about to admit my knowledge of that fact.

I smiled at him as I got up to grab a tea from the fridge, "go ahead, speak."

"Do you have an eating disorder?" the bluntness had my grip on the tea weakened as it fell to the ground. Thankfully, I hadn't opened it so it just clanged onto the ground loudly.

"Not technically," I murmured, reaching down to grab the can, "why do you ask?"

I kept my distance instead of sitting back down next to him, my stomach in a tight knot.

"Well, what your brother said..."

"What about it?"

"Doll, you didn't eat today unlike you said... and your brother did imply you've been to the doctor about eating issues."

"Listen," I sighed, "don't act all 'oh, ducklet do I care,' -and before you say anything yes I said ducklet, I hate swearing sometimes. I passed out when I was younger from not eating enough. I just took a diet too far on accident. That's all. They said I was to be supervised and blah blah blah. Nothing to it! I'm fine."

"But, you have to know that not eating isn't healthy, Doll," Ryder had stood up by now, his eyebrows furrowed, "maybe we should take you just to be sure your healthy. I was checking out the year books and you've lost a lot since last track season... too much."

"Ok, Ryder, stop it," I pursed my lips, turning my head to check to be sure Andrew wasn't anywhere near, "I'm healthy. My weight is 110.4, and I am five foot one. That's healthy. A normal body mass index. I'm good."

"I'm just making sure, Doll. I'm watching you though."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I rolled my eyes, opening the tea and taking a swig before glancing at the clock, "it's nearly midnight. We have school tomorrow."

"So? I know you don't go to sleep until late. You've mentioned it before."

"While we were going like ninety on your bike..."

"Yeah, and you kept muttering 'oh, fuck, why didn't I get more sleep last night? I wanted to die well rested...'," Ryder smirked while my face tinted red.

"You know what, maybe I'll just not sleep tonight then."

"I'll stay up with you. Let's binge watch pointless movies and do homework!"

"Um, good point," I groaned slightly, "I forgot about American History notes."

"Those fourteen pages of notes due tomorrow before first bell? Um, hello, Doll, you in there? We got that like two weeks ago."

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