BFD CH. 4: Drag Me Down

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"Nobody can drag me dooooooowwwwnnnnnn, nobody nobody, nobody can drag meeeee down..." I softly sang to myself while studying for a quiz in Geometry. My headphones were in, my head was in the book, and no one else was in the library, which was great. I could finally get some peace and quiet. Kalin and his friends haven't stopped doing what they do. It's just like freshman and sophomore year; except they are cuter and meaner. Evrytime I pass one of them, they taunt me, calling me a "dirty mexican" or "nappy-headed". Many more too, they just aren't right to say out loud. The only person that has been letting up is Khayman; he and I are actually kinda friends. I do have my guard up tho, he might just be a trick for them to get me back. I never really understood why Kalin and his crew hated me so much, all he said was that I got him so he'll "get me back." Ugh, he almost acts like a girl.

"Carina," I heard. I looked up to see Abby (I changed her best friend's name to Abigail since I forgot since I last updated lol) waving at me. She walked over and sat across from me.

"Hey, Rina." She said, using my nickname. I nodded at her and continued reading, but she started talking so I set the book down. We started laughing at what happened in her class, but i quickly stopped because I saw Them walk in. I froze, and my breath quickened. Why why why why whyyyyy. Why are they here?

"Rina?" Abby questioned. She looked behind her and saw who I was looking at. She quickly turned back around and stuck her nose in a book. I, however, wasn't quick enough and they spotted me almost immediately. Great.


AYE another chapter! Enjoy xoooo


What y'all think about K and Rina? Gettin' a lil close?🙈🙊

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