BFD CH. 7: He's Revealed

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Jaxon *wink wink*^^
That's really him too lol

H I M ♡

Rina batter watch out, cause I'm sure as heck not gonna just sit by and watch Abby get hurt. She's been crying for a little over a week. I've tried all I could to get her to forget Rina but every time I try, she just stares at me blankly and says, " I lost her Derek. And I'm never getting her back. That's a reason to cry." Then she starts to bawl again. I can't stand it. Oh, and yea, it's me, Derek King. And I promise you, imma make Carina Hernandez pay for hurtin' my baby. And I know just the guy to help...

C A R I N A ♡

I miss Abigail. I know I yelled at her and told her to never talk to me again, but losing a best friend hurts. You can't get over it fast. Khay had been trying to get me to cheer up, and it's kinda worked but... I see Abigail every day. She always looks sad and depressed. Then too, everytime I see Derek he looks 'bout ready to kill me; just great. On the bright side, Khay asked me out😻. His crew doesn't like that we're dating, especially Kalin and Jaxon.

K A L I N ♡

Ok enough. What the actual heck is going on here? First Derek starts dating Abby then Khay asks Carina out. What? I mean I'm fine with Derek I guess because it hurts Carina, but K messed everything up wit his feelings. He was supposed to have my back and stay away from her but NOOOOOO I find out he has feelings for her. He even told us he wasn't gonna bully her anymore. If you ask me she deserves to be bullied for what she did to my brother.

Doesn't K remember what I told him she did? He was okay with it during freshman and sophomore year but now he wants to act all innocent and "change his ways." Nah fam, if you're in it in the begginingyoure in it till the end. That's what I think anyway. She's fake, two-faced, and stole my brother away from me. If it wasn't for her, Jourdan would still be here. OOO she get on my nerves.

D E R E K ♡

I asked Jax to help me. Next to Kalin, he's the one who hates her the most. Him, Bari, and Kalin are like brothers and are tighter than a knot. While Jax wants to nearly murder Rina for hurting Kalin, Bari doesn't like confrontation and prefers to stay out of things. I have to admit, Jax has a bit of a temper, especially when someone he cares about gets hurt.

When he found out what Carina did, he was bout ready to smash her head in a wall or sum. We had to hold him back that day when she was tutoring Kalin. Since we hadn't seen her in a year, all his hatred toward her came back and he almost got at her.

I asked Jax because I knew he wouldn't hold back. I wouldn't ever lay a hand on a girl, and since she was Abby's best friend, I knew I couldn't even think about touching her. But I knew J didn't have the same outlook I had. Up until today none of us had ever thought about hurting her physically, but she just hurt the love of my life and I can't excuse that.

"I gotchu fam," Jaxon said with a glint in his eye. It was then I knew I chose the right guy to do this....


How'd y'all like it?

I admire Jax's loyalty but dang...

Team Dabby or Khina?

Don't worry y'all, Derek's not gonna be this...violent later on lol


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