The Little Claire

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New Orleans present day.

"Concentrate" I whispered standing behind the young brunette as she sat on the creaky floorboards surrounded by candles, as she took calming breaths.

"Now clear your mind and just let the power flow freely through your body" I spoke softly my heels lightly clacking on the wooden floor as I walked around the edge of the candle-lit circle.

This was a ritual of sorts, we did this every-time I came to see her. First, she would meditate for twenty minutes to help calm her overwhelming power, afterwards we would do some magic lessons and then hang-out as the teenager referred to our free time together.

Today was different though, as both of us were extremely distracted.

My mind was currently occupied by thoughts of the coffin that sat in the corner of the attic, which held my estranged lover, Elijah. My fingers itched to open the casket and take a peak at his flawless chiselled face, but I restrained myself knowing that he had been the one who left not me.

"It's no use, I'm just not feeling it today" Davina huffed pulling me back to the present, reminding me that she too was distracted.

"It's fine, you're not the only one with other things on their mind" I sighed sitting down on her cushy bed that I had insisted on Marcel getting up here. I mean if Davina was going to be cooped up in this sad little hovel for god knows how long, then she deserved the best, she was my niece after all.

"It's to do with him, right?" Davina spoke gesturing to Elijah's coffin.

"Sort of" I replied off handily with a wave of my hand.

"Marcel told me about you and him" she told me.

"Marcel needs to worry about his own past rather than mine" I muttered angrily rubbing my temples with the tips of my fingers, as I tried to keep my anger for Marcel under wraps as I knew how fond Davina was of him.

"Both Marcellus and I have a long, complicated history with the Mikaelsons and yes for a time Elijah and I were together but we've been apart for over a century" I explained aloofly.

"But Marcel said you two were in love" the young witch stressed with an innocent gleam in her eye.

"He left I stayed" I told her in a hard tone ending the conversation.

I had told Davina a lot about my past but I never spoke about mine and Elijah's relationship, it was something I hadn't talked about with anyone since he fled New Orleans with his family.

Davina frowned at my snappy her feelings obviously hurt. Usually I didn't care about anyone's reaction to my sharp words but over the past few months the powerful brunette had wormed her way in to my cold, black heart this strangely never bothered me.

"Out with it" I smirked playfully patting the spot beside me on the bed.

"I don't know what you're talking about" she shrugged getting up from the floor and sitting beside me.

"Yes you do, now tell me what's bothering you" I smiled running my fingers through her long locks.

"There's this music festival coming up..."

"And you want to go" I finished.

"Yeah but ..."

"Marcel won' let you" I summed up.

"He said it isn't safe" she huffed.

"I hate to agree but Marcellus is right" I replied making her glower at me.

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