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My palms were sweaty. My heart raced as I reflected on the crime I had just committed. Why did I do this, and what would I do next? I couldnt breathe, let alone think. So in a spontaneous effort to get away with out being notice, I grabbed my belongings and dropped the weapon onto the cement. In the process I heard sirens in the distance. Snapping back to reality, I pumped up my kicks and got the hell out of there.

I dashed through Ms. Carter's backyard. She had a dog. A greyhound named Rex. He loved me. I whispered, hush, into his ears. He whinned. Ms. Carter's backyard was huge. Unlike most of the houses on my block. There was a swing set for her grand children, a trampoline for her young son, and a built in swimming pool. Having all of this expensive stuff, she needed to keep it protected. So I had to try my best not to set off the alarm systems. I eased over triggers, and i dodged Rex's, her dog, squeaky toys. Making great progress, I headed for the fence.


Oh no.


Rex was barking. I jumped. Rex then started to charge me, knocking me into the pool. I believe that it was all in good fun, although the bad thing is, I cannot swim. So, picture this: there I am, flailing, kicking, and gulping down mouth fulls of chlorinated water. Then I gave up a little to easily. I was about to accept certain death, and then I realized that i was able to stand. I made an effort to climb out of the watery death-trap, and succeeded. In the middle of my face to palm moment, Ms. Carter's lights came on. As I heard the door opened I ran for the bushes. Ms. Carter stepped outside with her purple robe on, and her green house shoes. Holding the robe closed she called for Rex. "Rex, c'mon, come in the house."

I attempted to hold back a cough. My thoat was burning. The chlorine tore at it viciously, so my attempt wasnt successful. Cough! Cough, cough.

Rex's ears turned in my direction. I held my breath, waiting for Ms. Carter to walk over and snatch me from behind the bushes. Luckily, that moment never happened. The door closed. I gasped for air. Falling to my knees while coughing and choking. In so much pain. But, i still had to leave, I still had to run. I knew just the place to go.

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