Chapter Eleven: What All I Got?

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I woke up to Kevon standing over me I screamed and clenched my chest. Was he trying to kill me? I looked at his grin and couldn't help but to grin myself. 

Rise and shine.

He said as he eagerly held out his hand. I was wondering what had him all excited.

I'm ready to find out your abilities you silly girl.

He said while pulling me off the couch.

You and me both.

I glanced over only to find Echo sitting on the futon across from me. I always wondered why Kevon didn't just sleep on the futon instead of the floor. Echo walked over and gave me a hug. Kevon looked at him with his eyes squinted. Then he kissed me on the cheek.


I laughed, Kevon did the cutest things sometimes.

Well enough of this, lets find out those abilities of yours girl.

Echo jauntily said as he poked at my ribs.

Lets see, can you read my mind?

I focused on Echos thoughts. I gasped and covered my mouth.

Yeah, she can read my thoughts.

Well, what did you think, man?

I punched Echo's arm and told Kevon how he said I had morning breath. Kevon chuckled then realized I wasn't laughing and cleared his throat.

Well since you can read minds. Your abilities are really here. You may never know all of you abilities but.. Well how do we find a few out, Echo?

Well to figure mine out, I just tried a bunch of random stuff. Remi, try thinking of those super human abilities then try to actually fufill one.

I thought what Echo said could have been the stupidest thing ever. How on Earth was I suppose to harness these powers if they couldn't- they didn't know how. Josh trotted down the steps.

I may be of service.

He said as he took a bow, acting as if he knew all. Acting as if he was omnipotent. I looked at him in disgust, wiping the smile off his face. Then he smiled again, taking his index finger and taping his temple. I took that gesture as he wanted me to read his mind. So I did. "Remi, I see I will never win your trust. Ever. But, this is for you. I'm only trying to help. Would you look," I watched as he gestured to Echo and Kevon, "Do you think I'm stupid to pull something in front of these two?"  HE wait for an answer. I shook my head. I had to admit, I wanted to know what all I got. He smiled again and walked over and sat on the futon that Echo was sitting on before.

Well lets get down to buisness.

Josh started naming a bunch of accessible abilities. His vass amount of knowledge intrigued me. I listened as he went on and on about all these powers.

The power of suggestion. Give it a try. Focus now, focus hard.

I concentrated. Then I called Kevon close. I spoke to him low. You care for me, you notice that I'm thirsty. You want to go and get me some water, because you want me to be satisfied. I said, trying not to laugh. I thought this ability was hysterically impossible, but to my surprise Kevon got up and walked into the kitchen, and brought me a cup of water. As soon as the water was given to me Kevon broke the trance, and laughed himself.

Well we know one thing she can do.

Yeah, moving on. Ready for an exciting one. The ability to freeze time. This one is fun..or so I've heard. You freeze time, but whoever you touch can move along with you.

This was really cool. I closed my eyes and focus imensely hard on what I wanted to happen. I opened my eyes and everyone was frozen. I was about to touch Josh to find out how to get everything back to normal, but then I wanted to explore a little. I walked up the room into Kevon's room. There wasn't nothing really to explore. What really was pulling me was the urge to go into Josh's room. I feared that I wouldnt have enough time, but then I realized I hd all the time in the world. I walked into his room. Nothing really seemed different from the last time I was in here. Although something caught my eye. Something was sticking out from under his pillow. I walked over only to find out that this mysterious object was a book. A journal. Here in my hands I held Josh's journal, how could I possibly not read it.


IM SORRY THIS WAS SHORT! IT WAS A TRANSITION CHAPTER. The next one will be longer, I promise. It's all about Josh. :)

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