Chapter Ten: It Happens

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Kevon took me out to dinner. He paid for everything and I wondered were he had gotten all this money from. Did he have a job I didn't know about? Me and Kevon had talked and talked for a few hours, getting to know each other better. Turns out his original mission was to protect me, and he hadn't planned to "fall in love with me". After that we drove around the city for a bit. It started to get dark, so we rode back to his house. I totally wasn't going in to he assured that Josh was not at home. Although I hadn't seen Josh since that whole situation where he changed his mind, I still didn't want to see him.

We entered his abode and I sat on the couch like I usually did. He cut on the TV and fetched us some water. Soon after we found ourselves in each others arms laughing at a Tyler Perry movie. Kevon ran his fingers though my hair. When people do that it always make me sleepy. I was determined to stay awake though. Kevon noticed that I wasn't laughing at the movie as much as I was before. That's because I was looking at him. His features. His small round nose. His cute and obviously arched eyebrows. His lips, the way they were set into a smile. His lucious hair, and the way I just wanted to run my fingers throu-


I focused back to him. I'd forgotten that he could read minds. I was a little embarssed by my thoughts. He grinned and sat me up and removed my hair from my face. His hand cupped my cheek and he leaned in close to my face for a kiss. It was slow, warm, lingering- unlike the kisses we had shared before. It made my heart clench in such a way that I gasped. He released a low growl which intrigued me only to continue. I ran my fingers through his lucious brown hair which I had never been able to do before. The kiss grew stronger and more passionate. My heart started to beat irregularly. Then I thought back to the time he left me at the dentist's office. You can get me back later. He had said those words. Plotting my revenge I bit down on his lip softly, which only excited him more. Then I abruptly pushed him away from me. He looked at me puzzled, I could tell he was searching me thoughts for a reason.

What- I- huh?

That was for making me walk home from the dentist office. I thought as I saw his emotion change. A pout grew on his face.

Touchè. Well, I guess that's fair.

I laughed. I looked at the time, it was almost midnight. I wondered if I should be on my way home. Then, I thought about my "mom". I didn't want to go home.

Well, I'm sure Aunt Clara or Uncle Max wouldn't mind if you spend the night. I'll sleep down here, near you on the couch.

I nodded vigourously to the thought. Anywhere but home sounded enchanting at the moment.

Sure, I'll give them a call right now.

Kevon reached in his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. He then left the room for a little privacy I guess. Just as Kevon left Josh walked in to the house. He closed the door quietly and looked at me. With out a word he walked up the stairs to his room and I heard the door shut. I shook my head, trying not to cry. I couldn't stay here tonight whether Josh had changed or not. Kevon walked back in with a smile on his face.

Good news. You can stay the night.

He said while taking his seat beside me. Then he realized what was on my mind.

Oh, no. Josh isn't going to ruin this night. I'll be by your side.

I looked at him filled with doubt.

Trust me. Josh has been acting very weird lately anyway. You'll be fine.

I trusted him. Not thinking twice about it. If he said I'd be fine, I'd be fine. I relaxed, laying my head on his chest. I sighed in contempt. He played in my hair again, and before I knew it I was asleep. I woke up to him lying on the floor next to me. Aw, he didn't snore. The TV was off and so were the lights. I glanced at the clock on the wall; it was almost 3am. I reached for the drink on the table, to my surprise it was empty. I tried to clear my dry throat, but I couldn't. Sigh, I needed water. I got up, stepping over Kevon and walked into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed the pitcher of water. I pour some into the empty glass and put the pitcher back into the fridge. I glanced over to the dining table and saw an open laptop that was on and a bunch of scattered papers. With my curiousity pulling me over to the table like it had it's own gravitational pull. I stared down at the papers. They were all writen in another language. I think it was Spanish.

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