Chapter Five: The Normal Beach Experience

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When I opened my eyes we were at the beach. I pulled out my cell, it was 6:37pm. I looked over to the drivers seat, Kevon hadn't yet noticed I was awake, and yet I had pulled my phone out and everything. Just when I was about to say something he whipped out his cell phone and held down a key. I knew what I was about to do was wrong, but I had to find out what was going on, so I pretended to stay asleep. Kevon spoke into the phone quietly; I could barely hear what he was saying. Here's what I heard:

"I have her in the car now. No, she knows nothing. She's asleep, chill man. A cambio de idioma? Claro, ¿por qué no? Pero, le diré a Remi de todo esto más adelante. ¿Es eso suficiente para ustedes? Bueno."

What the hell? Was Kevon hispanic now? Where the hell did the spanish come from. Anyway, he hung up the phone, then he woke me up.

Hey Remi, c'mon, we're at the beach now. I have a lot to tell you about during our picnick.

I yawned and nodded casually, I had to play it cool. I'd just run and tell Katelyn later.

Don't do that!

I looked him, what was he talking about?

Oops, sorry Remi, that was a thought. I didn't mean to say it. Anywho come on. Lets go.

He got out of the car and skittered over to my door. I saw him take a deep breath. He grabbed the blanket and stuff out of the back seat, then grabbed my hand and guided me to the beach. We were in more of a secluded area, so not many peaople were around. I was kind of apprehensive about that. I had a weird feeling in my stomach that something bad was about to happen.

Kevon spread the blanket on the ground and opened the cooler. He tosses me a Faygo Cola, which I didn't catch. I heard him chuckle and mumble "such a cute klutz". I smiled slightly as I picked up the cola. He grabbed the two sanwiches out of the cooler and handed me one. Then, he took a seat. He didn't really say anything whie we were eating. He asked if I liked it, and I nodded. After he finished his sandwich, he took a sip of his soda and looked at me. I met his gaze and smiled. Then he looked away and cleared his throat. He wasn't looking at me while he spoke. His words were spoken soft and quick.

I'm sorry, for what's about to happen, Remi. I really honestly like you, but it's not under my control. Sadly, I'm new, and you've had this coming for quite a few years. I suppose I can try to help you out, but there are a few risks. Just act unknowing to everything he's about to ask you.

He glanced at me, then he turned his head back to the direction he was looking at before. I was full of confusion.

I can tell you're full of confusion. I wish you weren't. I should have told you earlier. No time now. Do me a favor, and close your eyes.

I gazed at him with wide eyes.

Close them now, Remi. For me, trust me. I will never hurt you.

I don't know why, but I closed my eyes.

Don't open them for anything, until I tell you to.

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