Chapter Twelve: Josh's Journal

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I opened the book of mysteries.This journal was old. You wouldn't believe what the first entry was.

June 21st

My mom if driving me insane; telling me to keep a journal. She thinks it will stimulate my mind. Will going through this whole thing with the PsíquicoWell If I have to write in here it might as well be about stuff I care about. Remi. Her name. She makes me smile. She makes me whole. I cannot, believe she's with me. She's mine. As long as I have her my world wont matter.

I skipped a few entries. I was already freaked out about the fact that the very first one was about me.It amazed me that he made this journal the very first day that we started dating.

June 30th

Remi and I went to the carnival. I tried to win her that lame-ass teddy bear she wanted. Ended up stealing one. She didn't notice.

He stole a teddy bear? Ah, well. I skimmed a few me entries. The dates started getting distances between them.

July 18th

I just found out that Remi is a key. In the Psíquico. This intrigues me. I wonder when she'll get her abilities. Knowing that she'll be one me makes me want her even more. Still can't rush into things though. She's pure in my eyes. I never want to mess this up.

July 31st

Things are starting to get distant between Remi and I, I think she's planning on dumping. I can't lose her now. My lifes just starting to get better. How can I keep her without hurting her? I guess I'll try to keep her in line.

That's pretty odd. What gave him the impression that I was going to dump him? He couldn't have been talking about how- maybe that's it. He misunderstood. I wasn't pushing him away. Well, maybe I was, but that's because my Grandfather died. He died June 30, and that was just a day before. That's why he started to get mean. I thought he was losing it.

August 23rd

Remi's being different. I can hear her thoughts. All I'm trying to do is keep her. Though she still plans on breaking up with me. The one person who I could ever love is planning on breaking my heart tomorrow. I'll get her first. I know what I'll do.

Then, I got to that entry.

August 24th

I don't know what I just did. I tried. I took her to the movies. I even bought her a sandwich. I thought all was okay. No. She dumped me. She made me furious. I didn't mean to. I wanted her so bad. I tried to get her. Under her screams. Asking me why. All I told her, all I could say was it was because I loved her. That I did. I do. I always will love her, but I know I messed up tonight. I'll never have her alone again. I would be satisfied if she didn't kick me. She better avoid me, 'cause it's time for me to use my abilities.

August 29th

Big mistake. She ran into me alone.  I knocked her out. I finally get to use my knock-out ability to my advantage. I brought her home. My parents are never hear. I'm so ready to get the job done.

August 29th- cont.

I can't do it. Seeing her lay limp. Asleep. How could I? I love her too much. I can't.

He. Tried. To. Fuck! Me! While! I! Was! Unconscious!! This guy was crazy. I'm amazed he didn't do it. How dare he? I thought as I shut the book. It didn't stay closed for long though. Something drove me to keep reading. Something begged me to read farther, and honestly I wanted to find out why he kept this book in the first place.

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