Chapter Two: Could It be him?

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All I heard were voices. Some were sympathetic. They gasped and asked if I was okay, and if I would be okay. Others were laughing, "It's her fault, she started the fire." One voice I recognized distinctly. It was Trina. "She's probably dead." I heard Kevon's dreamy voice respond with, " I hope not." And, with that, I opened my eyes. Everything was blurry. I couldn't tell who or what was around me. All I saw were fuzzy blobs.

Her eyes are open! Remi, it's me, Kevon. Can you hear me? Can you see me?

I told him how I could hear him, but he was very fuzzy. Then, Mr. James walked in and told me that blurry vision was normal after someone faints. I sighed a breath of relief as Kevon helped me up. Did he really care about me? I just met him, and it wasn't even a proper meeting. It was me falling on top of him. My vision was clearing up, and I could see his face. The visible emotion was concern. I smiled. Then he looked at me and smiled.

You had me a little worried there, Remi. Are you going home? Do you want me to ride the bus with you?

I told him that he didnt have to miss the rest of his first day of school because of me. I hoped that he would insist.

It's no biggie.

Then, swiftly Katelyn came up a said...

C'mon Remi, we're going home.

Kevon looked at her, then looked at me, and said that as long as I had someone to take me home, he was cool. Then, he left with a quick "catcha later, Remi" I gave Katelyn a glare. She looked at me with a "what's-the-problem" face.

I know you like him and all, Remi. But, you know it'd be wrong for you to let him ditch his very first day of school, to ride with you home.

Was I that easily read? Or was she just eavesdropping? I told her to shush. Kevon was still close enough to hear our conversation. I'm pretty sure he heard what she had said already, though. I told her to grab her stuff and to just take me home. She nodded in agreement, but she knew I was a little mad at her.

Nothing really happened on the bus ride home. We just noticed that the rented house down the street from me had been bought. Moving trucks were on the front yard. Not much of an exciting sight. I pulled the chord to make the bus stop.

As soon as I walked in through the door, my mom rushes to my side.

Babe, are you okay?

I told her I was fine, like six times. After the seventh time that I said I was fine she left me alone. Katelyn told me to get some rest, and that she'd see me tomorrow morning. I was just so happy that it was Friday. I trudged up to my room, I was a little tired, but I wasn't tired enough to lay down and go to sleep. So I decided to take a quick shower. Upon exit of the bathroom I felt a spine shivering breeze. I quivered. My window was open. Why was my window open? I hesitated while entering my room. I hear somebody humming. The tune sounded familiar. Instead of wondering who was in my room humming, I was wondering what the song was that they we're humming. I heard a low chuckle. Then I started to focus.

We're going down, down in an earlier round.

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