Chapter Six: Introducing Echo

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We were driving back home, to my house. Things were really getting annoying, esspecially since Kevon kept reading my mind. I was debating on whether I should tell Katelyn or not.

Don't you dare tell Katelyn anything.

I huffed a puff of wind. I'm not good at keeping secrets from Katelyn. She always knew when something was up, and she eventually persuaded me into telling her everything. Kevon spoke in a steady tone.

Act like you had the best experience ever. Then, lie. Lie like your life depended on it.

I looked at him.

Don't you dare tell her. Don't even think about telling her.Don't tell her and then lie to me, acting like you didn't. I will eventually know if you tell her, all I have to do is read her mind.

I pushed his shoulder. Then I spoke aloud, how can you read minds? What mystical, magical creature are you, Kevon?

I'm not a creature, and I am not as mystical and magical as you think.

He said that with a half smile.

I just have abilities that most normal, average people can't access yet. Echo will tell you all about it in the morning. Oh, shoot, we have school don't we. Man, education always gets in the way.

I thought about ditching. Im down with skipping school.

He looked at me.

That's a great idea. Tell your parents that I'll drive you to school tomorrow, and have them consider getting you your own car. I kind of feel like a chauffer.

I laughed, he was my chauffer. Then I asked him the question that I'm pretty sure is on a few of your minds, who is Echo?

You'll se-

I cut him off, tell me, tell me now.

Okay echo is long-time friend of mine. He's going to explain things more clearly to you.

Echo is a dude? Well, okay, but why couldn't Kevon just explain everything to me?

He'll explain why I can't explain it, later.

Well, how old is he?

He's our age. I'm going to see if he can get transferred to our school. That would be a lot more less complicated.

I nodded in agreement, although I didn't agree. I felt that skipping school was a better solution. We were now at my house. I had a bunch of more questions, but I had to get out.

Get out.

I looked at his half smile. He leaned close and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. I tried not to think about how I wanted a real kiss. So I attempted to cover up that thought with a bunch of random singing in my head. Basically what he heard was "la, la la" until, I got out of the car. Before I closed the door, I asked how long have he'd been reading my mind?

Since the day we first met and you thought my nose didn't fit my face.

I thought back, then I asked. Then why didn't he come to my rescue at the movies? I frowned.

I couldn't get a read on you.

It was cold outside, so I stated a statement that I hoped would have stayed in his mind the rest of the night. Then, you should have read Josh's mind. I shut the door and walked up to my house. I grabbed the keys out of my purse, inserted it into the keyhole, turned the key which activated the tumblers thus opening the door. When I walked into my house, I had no idea how late it was. It was almost midnight. Good thing my parents are hardly ever home. They are both doctors and stuff. Always getting called into work.

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