Grocery Store

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Chapter Two

~Grocery Store~

Kuroko and Akashi ran (well, more like jogged) to the grocery store. Kuroko planned on making pasta since it was easy, and it tasted good. He led the way to the store since Akashi wasn't from this area.

When they arrived at Mini Mart, Kuroko grabbed a basket and went straight to the noodle aisle with Akashi following behind to pick up some rotini pasta. He liked the swirly ones since they reminded him of his Ignite Pass Kai. He told Akashi he could pick the sauce flavor so he did so while Kuroko went to the vegetable area.

He found Shutoku's Carrot there, looking at the carrots. Midorima still hadn't realized he was there.

"Hello, Midorima-kun," Kuroko said.

Midorima got chills. He would never admit it, but he was startled. "Kuroko."

"What brings you here?"

"Grocery shopping, obviously," he said, pushing up his glasses. He placed a couple carrots in his basket. "Not that I care, but I suppose you're here for the same reason?"


Akashi, having chosen the marinara sauce, walked to Kuroko. "Hello, Shintaro," he said, taking the basket from Kuroko.

"Akashi?" Midorima said, surprised. "What brings you here?"

"Grocery shopping, of course. What else would you do in a grocery store?" he answered.

"I meant in Tokyo."

"Vacation. I'm staying with Tetsuya."

"I see."

The three miracles had already gotten what they needed so they got in line at the check out stand. Kuroko was paying the cashier when Midorima tapped Akashi's shoulder.

"Yes, Shintaro?" Akashi said.

Midorima lowered his voice to volume he was sure Kuroko wouldn't hear. "The others and I have already picked up on the emotions you have for Kuroko. Be responsible." Midorima handed him a small package of bandaids. "It's Sagittarius's lucky item for today."

Akashi accepted the box, knowing that it was Midorima's way of saying good luck. "Thanks."

"No need to thank me. I just need assurance that things will go well for you two." Midorima Shintaro was indeed a mom-friend.

By the time Akashi and Midorima finished talking, Kuroko had finished at the cashier. They said goodbye to Midorima (who shot a thumbs up at Akashi when Kuroko had already turned away) and were on their way back to the house.

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