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Chapter Three


Akashi and Kuroko entered the house. Kuroko immediately went to the kitchen to start dinner.

"Do you want any help?" Akashi asked.

"It's alright. I can do it. Do you want to take a shower or would you rather take it after dinner?"

"I'll take it after."

"Okay, then. The remote's on the coffee table if you wanna watch TV," Kuroko said, filling a pot with water.


Thirty minutes later, an appetizing aroma came from the kitchen, drawing Akashi to come check it out. The pasta was ready. Kuroko was currently setting the table. The cuts on his fingers did not go unnoticed.

"Tetsuya, come here for a second," Akashi ordered. Kuroko did as he was told. Akashi took his hands into his slightly larger ones. "You're injured."

"It's nothing. Just small cuts," Kuroko said, taking his hands out of Akashi's. It was futile since Akashi grabbed his wrists to keep him from resisting. Kuroko didn't want Akashi to worry. He was the guest. He shouldn't need to worry about him. And, besides, he really wanted to make dinner today. Specifically, because he was staying today.

"Small cuts can get infections too, Tetsuya." Akashi took him to the sink and rinsed Kuroko's cuts. Once he was sure they were clean, he pulled out the bandaids he got from Midorima. Akashi deftly dressed the cuts. "Is that better?" he asked, looking Kuroko in the eyes.

Kuroko nodded. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Akashi said. "Shall we eat?"

Kuroko nodded.

"Thank you for the food," Akashi said, putting his hands together in a prayer.

They ate the pasta Kuroko made, chatting between bites about how their basketball teams were preparing for the upcoming Inter High. When they finished, Kuroko prepared the bath for Akashi then went back downstairs to do the dishes.

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