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(A/N: Thanks to everyone who reviewed and followed and favorited this story! This makes me super happy since this is my first yaoi fic. Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to everyone who's single and spent the day reading fanfiction instead of going out with someone. Happy Valentine's Day!)

Chapter Four


Akashi let the warm water run over his head. It felt nice after his journey from Kyoto. It also gave him some time to think.

It'd take most of his self-control to keep from jumping Kuroko since it was just them two in the house. Alone. No one else. For the whole week. Day and night. Emphasis on night. His heart was already racing. Akashi lay a hand over his heart in (futile) attempt to calm it.

Midorima and the others had apparently already known about these emotions of his and were telling him to go for it. Akashi knew Midorima wouldn't egg him on unless he knew there was a chance. The only time he ever made risky choices were in basketball. When it comes to real life, the carrot wouldn't dream of doing anything unless he was sure it would succeed.

He thought of all the possibilities that could happen. Images of Kuroko filled his head—a pleasured expression on his face, rosy cheeks, swollen lips, lust-filled eyes, whimpering, moaning, panting, screaming his name. This "visualizing" that Akashi was doing was a little too much for him to handle. Blood rushed to his lower area.

He groaned softly as he stroked it, trying to get rid of the erection. He did not want Kuroko to find out he was jerking off to him in his own house. Akashi bit his lip to keep from groaning Kuroko's name. He stroked harder, faster. A groan escaped his throat as he reached his climax.

He stayed under the water to calm himself a little before actually going out of the bathroom and facing the real Kuroko. He decided to get out before he got all wrinkly.

He turned off the water and stepped out of the cubicle. He found a light blue towel at the sink. Was that there before? He brushed off the thought then dried himself off. He'd forgotten to take his clothes into the bathroom so he wrapped the towel around his waist and walked out.

On his way to his room, Akashi found Kuroko in the hallway. He looked a bit flustered.

"You can use the bath now," Akashi said.

"Ah, right," Kuroko said, glancing away from him. "I'll be going then."

Akashi walked to his room to get dressed.

A Week (Kuroko no Basket)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang