Aftermath of the Fall

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Chapter Seven

~Aftermath of the Fall~

Akashi pulled Kuroko back down. The blushing shadow was basically laying on top of him.

"Sorry. I don't think I can control myself," Akashi said.

He quickly flipped their positions so he was pinning Kuroko to the ground. He had one arm on each side of his head and his knees were on either side of Kuroko's body. He was leaning over him. They stayed there for a moment, entranced in each others' eyes, then Akashi closed the distance between them, firmly pressing their lips together.

Kuroko gasped, his eyes widening in shock, but he soon responded and kissed back, closing his eyes. Both have been waiting for this for so long. They needed each other badly. They kissed for what seemed like hours but was just a few moments.

"A-Akashi-kun," Kuroko said, through the kiss. He tried to break it, but the emperor recaptured him immediately. "Akashi-kun!" Kuroko finally succeeded in breaking apart. He was panting.

"Sorry," Akashi said. "Did you not like it?"

"Don't be...stupid.... Of course...I...liked it," he said between pants. "I needed air... I don't wanna collapse until we finish," he admitted, blushing. His heart was frantic. Kuroko took in a gulp of air. "Ready now." He closed his eyes.

Akashi leaned down to meet his lips. He nipped at Kuroko's bottom lip. The sensation made the smaller boy moan. Akashi took this chance to slip his tongue in. This caught Kuroko by surprise. It alarmed him since he'd never experienced anything like that before.

"Mmmnnn!" Kuroko broke away from the redhead, slightly scared. They were connected by a string of saliva.

Akashi knew by the tears in his eyes that something was wrong. "What is it, Tetsuya?"

"I don't know what to do."

"For what?"

"You. I know I should be doing something, but I'm not exactly knowledgeable about...kissing," he admitted, "with...tongue..." He looked away, his face flushed. "I-I've never even had my first k-kiss since a few minutes ago."

Akashi had another kawaii overload. He didn't know Kuroko was this innocent.

"You mean to tell me I was your first kiss?"

Kuroko's face turned a color that rivaled Akashi's hair before nodding slightly.

Akashi smiled. "I can't help but be happy about that," he said, cupping Kuroko's cheek and wiping away the tears in his eyes with his thumb. He was so precious.

"Akashi-kun, I didn't know you had experience in this kind of thing."

"I don't," he admitted. "But I have my ways of learning." Kuroko thought it best not to question. "To be honest, you're my first, as well." Akashi brushed Kuroko's bangs away from his face then gave him a soft, gentle kiss. "I'll go slow to teach you, alright?"

Kuroko nodded then closed his eyes, trusting Akashi.

"Tetsuya, you shouldn't be so unguarded around me. I could rape you if I wanted to." There was a glint in his eyes, but Kuroko didn't see since he closed his eyes.

"But I trust that you won't," Kuroko said, touching the redhead's face softly. "And it wouldn't be rape if I wanted you to do it, would it?" He opened his eyes and stared into Akashi's heterochromatic ones with a smile.

"I never knew you could be so suggestive with that innocent expression of yours." He smirked. "Follow my lead."

Akashi kissed him tenderly, nipping the smaller boy's lip with his teeth. Kuroko moaned into the kiss. Akashi entwined their fingers together above Kuroko's head. Teiko's former captain hadn't realized what a slight figure and small hands the shadow had.

Akashi ran his tongue over Kuroko's lip, asking for permission to enter. The shadow opened his mouth. His face was flushed. The emperor ran his tongue over everything in Kuroko's mouth then pushed against the blue-haired boy's tongue, challenging him to a battle. Kuroko accepted the challenge and tried his best to fight, but Akashi dominated. Akashi suckled his tongue, earning another moan.

Kuroko felt weak in the knees. His heart was going crazy. He could barely even think. How was he this good?

The emperor separated them. "How was that for your third kiss?" he said, teasingly, leaning his forehead against his.

Kuroko was speechless. His burning face was enough of an answer for Akashi.

The redhead got off of Kuroko and, to the shadow's surprise, picked him up bridal style. "Akashi-kun?!"

"If I'm gonna take you, I sure as hell am not doing it on the floor. Your first time shouldn't be on the floor."

Akashi walked into Kuroko's room then laid the boy on his bed. The emperor pinned him once again, his hands holding Kuroko's and one leg between Kuroko's.


"Please switch to Seijuro, Tetsuya. At least when we're doing this."

Kuroko hesitated for a moment. "S-Seijuro-kun," he said, looking away, but he was blushing at an extreme level. He was lit.

"Yes, Tetsuya?"

The blush didn't leave his face. "We're really having sex?"

"Unless you don't want to."

"I want to." Fright flashed across his face for a second. "It just goes in, right? Does it hurt?"

"What are you talking about?"

"," he said, gesturing to Akashi's manhood, "it just goes in m-my...hole, right...?" Kuroko looked toward Akashi's lower half. "Your thing is probably big so it'll probably hurt if you put it in so...get it over with!" he said, a flushed, determined but fearful expression on his face as he looked Akashi in the eyes.


"Sex is when the penis goes into a hole so I'm ready for the pain since it'll probably hurt." He closed his eyes, tightly, prepared to have Akashi strip him and penetrate his body.

Akashi laughed.


"You were absent the day the teachers explained sex in middle school, weren't you?"

"Yeah, why?"

Akashi couldn't stop grinning. "There's more to it than that. Much more. But I'm sure you'll like it."

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