Truth or Dare #1

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Max spun the bottle and it lands on...Hera.

Max: Okay Hera, truth or dare??

Hera: Hmm...I'll go for truth.

Max: Okay. Oh, this is a good one.

Ezra / Sabine / Ahsoka: Let's see!!

Max hid the screen from everyone but the three older teenagers who all chuckle at what the truth was.

Ezra: Oh my God

Kanan: It's just a question. How bad could it be??

Max: Okay. So kiss, marry, kill....any suggestions??

Everyone but Hera seemed to thing before both Zeb and Ahsoka shared a gaze, each having the same names pop into their head. They lent over and whispered three names into their guests ear. Max couldn't help but smile, her shoulders shaking a little as she silently laughed to herself.

Max: Okay Hera. Kiss, marry and kill Hondo, Ezra and Kanan.

Hera/Kanan/Ezra: WHAT?!?!?!

The room was full of laughter from the three rebels reactions.

Ahsoka: Come on Hera. You have to answer or else....what happens if someone doesn't answer??

Max: If you really don't want to answer, you can pass and be given a dare instead.

Hera: Okay okay....I'd kill Lando because of everything he's done to us.

Anakin: With the kiss, there's no rule on where exactly.

The teenagers statement seemed to help the woman as she nodded with a smile.

Hera: Alright. I'd kiss Ezra on the forehead or cheek. And then I'd marry Kanan.

Both Master and Padawan couldn't hold back a small blush and smile. Max chuckled as she spun the bottle once again, only for it to land on...Zeb.

Max: Okay Zeb, truth or dare??

Zeb:.....Dare I guess.

Max: Okay....oh no. I'm gonna get hit for this.

Anakin: Why?? What's the dare??

The teen girl showed the force user who's eyes widened momentarily before sending her a weak smile, as if to reassure her.

Anakin: Just....get ready to run.

Max: The dare is...Zeb must take a bath or shower.

Zeb: What?!

Quickly, Max jumped and hid behind Kanan and Hera. They were all laughing except Zeb who reluctantly agreed before leaving for the wash room. Their visitor let out a nervous breath before sitting back down in his previous seat between Anakin and Kanan. She pun the bottle and it stopped on....Ezra.

Max: Aright Ezra, truth or dare??

Ezra: I'll have a...dare please.

Max: As you wish....oh brother.

The girl showed the three adults her phone who each smirked, making Ezra feel uneasy.

Ezra: What?? What's is it??

Max: Your dare is that you much allow two people of your choice to make a drink out of anything that they can find in the kitchen. And you much drink the whole contents of the drink.

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