Mission Get Together #2

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Everything was prepared and ready!! The only thing that the 'kids' of the Ghost crew needed were the two lovebirds. They were extremely excited - especially when Joe signaled their leaders Padawan that one of them had arrived; Ezra used the force to sense who it was exactly before informing the others. "Kanan's here!! Hide!!" he exclaimed to Max and Anakin before ducking down in one of the booths in the corner of the bar; that corner was always terribly lit up, making it perfect for them to spy on the hopefully new couple. The two followed suit, hiding either under the table or behind on of the large menus; they carefully watched as Kanan entered the building, stopping in front of the bar to talk to Joe - he had ordered two drinks before seemingly waiting for his date. 

Five minutes later, both Padawan's could sense Hera's arrival before she entered the room also, smiling once her eyes landed on her partner; she approached and greeted him. Max couldn't hold back an "aww" as the two embraced; they said something to the other - most likely complimenting each other's look as they had both put a lot of effort into their outfits. Hera could even be seen supporting a light shade of makeup!! Using his come, Ezra informed Sabine, Zeb and Ahsoka, who were hidden away in the kitchen preparing a special dinner and dessert for their two friends, that the the 'targets' had arrived "the lovebirds have arrived and mission get together is a go" he stated in a low voice through the com link "I repeat, mission get together is a go" they couldn't help but chuckle - Ezra had been watching way too many spy movies. And of course, they blamed Max who had introduced them all to the genre of films. 

The couple were instructed where their table was by Joe and once their eyes landed on the specially set up table, both rebels were amazed "well" Hera smiled as the man pulled out her chair for her - such a gentleman "this is nice" Kanan agreed as he took his own seat "I had no idea that Joe set up these type of things". They soon realized that there was only one meal and dessert to choose from on the menu; it sounded tasty however so they didn't complain. Joe took the two dishes from Zeb and set them on the table for the couple; they were once again amazed by what they saw in front of them. Lobster, a side salad, some bread sticks with a variety of different dips and chips - Ahsoka, Zeb and Sabine really were amazing cooks as the meals were truly delicious. 

Once finished, Joe took the empty plates before returning with more food - their dessert. Chocolate covered strawberries, two scoops of ice cream and small brownies which were still warm!! (Author's note: It is at this point I leave for the kitchen as writing this is actually making me hungry!!) Whilst the meal was happening, Max had connected her phone to the bars speakers and was in charge of music - she had shown that she had a passion for music a multiple of times, even singing under her breath whilst concentrating without knowing!! She had made a love song playlist whilst hidden next to the two boys in their dim lit booth. "Hmm, that was delicious" Kanan stated once Joe had taken their plates away after refiling their drinks once again; his date agreed before deciding to change the topic "so...the letter". 

The man instantly knew what she was talking about - or at least he thought he did. Both adults spoke at the same time, stating the same thing "I loved it...wait, what??" they chuckled as their confusion grew. Turns out they had both brought their discovered letter and placed them on the table for the other to read "well...although everything in the letter is true, I didn't write it" Kanan stated, the woman agreeing as she explained the same thing "so who wrote them??" she asked. As if a ton of bricks had hit the two in the face, it all clicked into place in their mind as they realized everything. With the 'kids', the chefs of the night had rejoined the Padawan's and their guest "em...I think we've been caught" Zeb stated nervously; Sabine rolled her eyes "no kidding genius". 

Max couldn't help as she chuckled at the two before she self someone's hand gently grab her arm and pull her away from the booth "huh??" it was Anakin who was following Ahsoka; they sneaked around the bar before standing on the stage; the curtains were drawn so they couldn't be seen....yet. "Em...what's going on??" Max asked with a raised brow; Ahsoka explained with a smirk "you are going to deliver the last surprise for mission get together". Anakin had stepped away as he grabbed something from the DJ's table; the female Padawan took the girls phone away before looking through it "hey!! What surprise?? This wasn't apart of the plan!!" Max exclaimed, although she did so carefully as to not be heard by the two lovebirds. 

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