Prank Time

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It had taken awhile but Hera, being the amazing pilot she was, managed to lose the Imperials by jumping into hyper space; she put the ship into auto pilot before beginning to assess any damage. During this time, both Anakin and Ezra had released their guest from the locked room, explaining that Kanan had done that for her own safety; she didn't seem to mind and accepted the reasoning. The three returned to the common room where everyone was waiting; Hera asked the teen girl if she was okay "I'm fine, promise". Kanan explained the plans "we just had a message from Commander Sato, he wants up to stay in hyper space for as long as we can until he says otherwise" they each nodded to show they were listening "he still wants us to stay on the down low" understandable really. 

They each parted to do their own think, not really in the mood to continue their previous game. Before Ezra could leave however, their guest stopped him "hey Max, what's up??" he asked; the girl held a smirk "how would you feel about pranking someone??"  she asked. Did she really have to ask?? The boy smirked as he raised a brow "what you got planned??". And with that, the two got to work of setting their plan into action. It took ten minutes; Max set her phone on a near by shelf so that it would capture what amazement was about to happen.

 Ezra was hidden away in the vent, peeking out through the holes; they were ready and their target was on the move!! "Ready??" Max asked in a hushed voice; she heard a confirmation before silence over took the room. Seconds later, the room to the hall way opened; the bucket of water and glue dropped down and drenched their victim. Soon followed were the two large bags of rainbow colored glitter; the poor target looked like a disco ball!! The two teens rushed out of their hiding places and sprinted down the hall way and found a secure hiding spot - Max grabbed her phone as she passed it. 

Both were laughing like crazy people of course. This poor now glitter covered target?? Zeb and Obi-Wan Kenobi.....oh force, they were screwed!! "Max!! Ezra!!" the two disco balls yelled before running through the ship to find them; the two teens decided to ditch their hiding spot and crawled into the ventilation system. "Huh" Max raised a brow to her friend "what??" Ezra shrugged as he explained that no one else on the ship could get into the vest other than him "this is new". Within the main ship, the rest of the crew were in pain from laughing so hard; Zeb and Kenobi weren't as....amused. 

After an hour, the two victims gave up trying to get the pranksters and sat down - still covered in glue, water and glitter; the teens decided it was safe enough to leave the vent and entered the common room. Everyone began to clap, cheered and laughed - except Zeb and Kenobi of course. They both just sulked. Max and Ezra jokingly bowed to their friends as they laughed "that was brilliant you two" Anakin complimented; they thanked him before showing the video. It really was brilliant.

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