Truth or Dare #3

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The next morning came around soon and the crew were all up, had breakfast and were now sat at the kitchen table, including their guest. "My leg still hurts" Obi-Wan complained as he rubbed his sore leg; they all chuckled or rolled their eyes before Sabine asked if they could continue their games. All of the 'kids' began to beg as Max and the three adult chuckled "I don't see why not" Hera stated, soon turning the begs into cheers. Kanan grabbed the bottle whilst Max retrieved her charged phone; she spun the bottle and it eventually landed on....Hera.

Max: Truth or dare Hera??

Hera: I'll take a...dare please

Max: Okay. Let me have to teach three of us a traditional dance from your home planet.

Upon hearing this, Hera's entire face lit up before she grabbed Kanan, Max and Sabine and dragged them up and out of their seats.

Kanan: What?! But I can't dance.

Max: That's why she's teaching us the dance Kanan.

Sabine: Come on. I'll be fun...hopefully.

The four walked out of the common room and outside for more space to learn. It took them a long hour before they returned to the common room. Hera was still smiling whilst the others were....well, they looked nervous.

Anakin: Ready??

One eager and three hesitant nods later, Anakin placed the music before they began to dance.

Once the performance was over, they all clapped, cheered and whispered - Ahsoka even had a tear rolling down her cheek!! Hera seemed to be glowing, she was that happy which made the whole thing worth it.

Hera: Great work guys. That was amazing!!

Kanan / Sabine / Max: Thanks Hera.

Once everyone had returned to their seats, Max spun the bottle and took her phone from Anakin who had, once again, recorded the whole dance for her. The bottle landed on....speak of the devil - Anakin.

Anakin: Dare please.

Max: Alright....mind trick someone of you choosing to do something. Again, that's for you to choose.

Just like with Ahsoka's dare the previous night, everyone became silent and nervous. Especially when Anakin raised his and moved it towards.....Zeb!! Who suddenly stood up and began dance ballet?! Terribly of course.

Zeb: I'm a pretty dancing fairy!!

As usual, the room was filled with laughter; Max recorded the entire thing as it was too precious to leave for the mind. Anakin broke the connection laughing so much which allowed an extremely confused Zeb return to his seat. Max spun the bottle and it landed on...Ezra.

Ezra: Dare please.

Max: I was hoping you'd go for a dare. Tell everyone here what you see them as.

Ezra: Do I have to??

Everyone: Yes!!

Max: Normally I'd say no and I'd just give you a truth, but this is important.

Kenobi: Go on Ezra. How bad can it be??

Ezra: Oh fine. I see Sabine and Ahsoka as my older sisters. Zeb and Anakin are like my big brothers. Obi-Wan is like an uncle and I see Hera and Kanan as my parents.

Hera/Ahsoka/Sabine: Aww!!

The Ghost crew shared a large hug - minus Max of course so she took a photograph. It was then that Zeb realized something.

Zeb: What about Max??

Ezra/Max: Huh??

Anakin: Yeah. You missed out Max. What about her??

Ezra: Oh em....well I don't really know Max that well but....I guess she's a good friend.

Max: Thanks. You too.

Smiling, Max spun the bottle for it to land on....Kanan.

Kanan: I'll take a truth this time please.

Max: Okay. Tell the truth, did you want to dump Ezra off into another Master when he first became your Padawan??

Well....that was quite the question. All eyes were instantly on the man who's own widened.

Kanan: What?! No. I didn't want to dump him or give him to someone else!! I...I just wanted him to have to best Master he could have and deserved.

Ezra: Yup, Kanan just didn't realize that he was the best Master for me.

Within the cute and emotional moment, the Master and Padawan embraced one another before the game continued. The bottle landed on....Sabine.

Sabine: Dare please.

Max: Let's see....allow someone of your choice to pick something for you to eat. And yes, you have to eat it.

Sabine: Oh, come on!! Fine, I pick....oh force...I pick Hera.

The woman smirked before jumping up and stepping towards the kitchen area; Sabine turned away so that she couldn't see. A minute later, the captain returned to her seat and placed a spoon and the picked food in front of their artist. Sabine was already gagging.

Sabine: Hera!! You know I can't stand marmite!!

They all laughed as they watched Sabine remove the lid, scoop a spoon full and hesitantly ate it. The faces she were pulling where comedy gold - thank god Max was recording!! Thankfully, the bucket was not needed in that situation, just a glass of water. Their guest stopped recording as she spun the bottle - it landed on the Lasat.

Zeb: Truth

Max: Alright, have you ever-.

Before Max could finish that sentence, the ship violently shook. Seconds later, Chopper came speeding through, beeping like crazy; turns out the Empire had found them and were attacking. Hera and Sabine rushed to the cockpit whilst everyone else hurried to one of the guns of the ship; Max was dragged through the Ghost by Kanan who entered Anakin's room "stay in here until someone comes to get you!!" he ordered before leaving, locking the door in the process. Max sat down on the bottom bunk, holding onto the frame of the bed as the ship continued to shake from the explosions and blasts.

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