Mission Get Together #1

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Now back on Lothal....

All of the 'kids' were hanging out in Anakin and Max's shared room; they were sat around the room - some on the bed, others on the desk or floor. Kanan and Hera were sat in the cockpit with cups of coffee whilst Obi-Wan Kenobi was fast asleep in the med by - he was recovering from the man flu. They were talking about a mixture of things - Kanan and Hera had soon began a subject of discussion. "Seriously though, are Kanan and Hera an actual couple??" Max asked; she had seen them talk and act like a couple would but she was still unsure. It seemed they all were as she only received shrugs "I don't think so" Zeb stated "but they have feelings for one another, that much is as clear as day" he was right for once; Ezra sighed before mumbling "I wish they were". All eyes turned to him in shock "what?? Did I say that out loud??" the boy asked earning many chuckles "yeah Ez, you did". 

Max had an idea as she grabbed her phone from her pocket "well I have a dare for us all, if you guys are interested??" she suggested; Sabine raised a brow as she asked what the dare was exactly "it's more like....a mission". Okay, now they all had raised brows, looking at their guest in confusion "we have to get Kanan and Hera together...or at least get them to kiss again" she explained with a smirk; they all instantly agreed before Anakin spoke "alright, but how in the force are we gonna do that??". Silence took over the room for the first time as they each fell into deep thought. That was until Sabine's face lit up "I know!! We write them a love letter each, asking to go on a date or something" she explained her idea "but say it's from the other, not us". It wasn't a bad thought. And with that, Ezra hurried to grab some paper and pens before handing them to Max who remained silent as she began to write the letters.

Dear Kanan,
I am writing this letter to tell you something that I should have revealed a long time ago. And that is of my feelings for you. I do not just see you as a friend or 'partner in crime', but as my partner in life and love. Kanan Jarrus, I love with all of my heart and I cannot hide such a think anymore. Please meet me at Old Joe's at nine O clock tonight - when the others are all asleep.
- Yours forever, Hera X

Dear Hera,
I'm unsure of how to tell you this so I have decided upon a letter. I have kept something from you for a large amount of time now. But I cannot continue to do so. I do not just see you as a friend or partner, but also as my other half. Hera Syndulla, I love you more than life itself and I cannot hide it anymore. Tonight at nine, meet me at Old Joe's. Everyone will be asleep by then.
From yours always, Kanan X

Smiling, Max read through the letters one more time to make sure that they were perfect. Happy with them, she showed them to the others; they all smiled and even seemed impressed. "Whoa Max, I didn't know you were so good at writing love letters" Ezra stated as she finished looking at Kanan's letter; the girl just shrugged as she placed the pen down on the desk. Anakin decided to tease their guest "do you write love letters often??" it earned a couple of chuckled.

Max smiled "yes but never for myself" she explained "people at school always ask me write them love letters, poems and songs for whoever they fancy". (Author's note: yes, people in my school actual do this!!) They began to put their plan into action. Ezra sneaked into his Master's cabin and placed the letter on the desk whilst Sabine did the same, resting the letter on the pillow before running back to Anakin and Max's shared room. Now to wait.

Eight thirty rolled around and everyone had retreated to their cabins for the night; this also meant that Kanan and Hera had finally seen and read their love letters!! To say they were shocked was a large understatement!! But that didn't mean it was a good surprise. Both adults got ready before sneaking off of the ship; Kanan was the first to leave. Ten minutes later, the pilot followed. They had each checked the 'kids' rooms to make sure that they were asleep. 

They evidently didn't look properly or close enough as they would have realized that they were looking at pillows under blankets!! Zeb, Anakin, Ezra, Ahsoka, Sabine and Max were already at Old Joe's; they were setting things up - Joe already knew of their mission and he even said he'd help!! A beautiful, candle lit table was set, gentle music was already playing - now they just needed the two love birds. Once again...now to wait.

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