It's Never Truly Goodbye

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A month had passed since Max had suddenly arrived and stayed with the Ghost crew; it was fun and amazing but it had to come to an end some day soon. Sadly, that day was today. Anakin, Sabine and Ezra entered the common room to see everyone else sat around the room talking about a bunch of random things. "Hey guys" Hera greeted "have any of you seen Max??" she asked, only to see them each shake their head "no, sorry Hera". All of a sudden, the door opened once again, only to reveal the missing girl "hey Max, where you been all day??" Kanan asked, only for them all to see a sad expression on her face "Max??". 

Taking a deep breath, their guest began to explain something "em...I hate to tell you all this but...well you see I...I've found a way to get back home" all eyes widened before their faces fell; Anakin was the first to speak "what?! You're leaving us?! But...but you can't!!" they all agreed. Sighing, Max sat down as she spoke "I'm sorry guys, family need me back home, I miss them and I'm sure they miss me too" they all understood of course "I'll find a way to come back and visit". Finally, someone spoke up "you better, we're still in the middle of a prank war" Hera smirked, earning nods of agreements and laughs; they each stood up to say their goodbyes and hand the teenager a parting gift. 

Sabine gave her a A4 painting of the entire crew, Hera gave her a pair of pilot gloves, Ahsoka gave her a bracelet from her home planet, Ezra gave her one of his bucket-head helmet from his collection, Obi-Wan Kenobi gave her a fake clip in Padawan braid that matched her hair color, Zeb gave her a smaller vision of his bo-rifle that he had made - with the help of a few members of the crew of course, Anakin gave her a locket necklace which had a beautiful blue gem on the front of it and Kanan gave her a holocron looking box - but when it is opened, it plays a gentle melody (Author's note: the song above if you're curious) with a slide show of pictures from her time with the crew. 

Thanking and hugging each crew member, Max smiled as she stepped back, her eyes watering up in the process "I'll see you guys again someday, I promise" she stated before focusing on her home, family and friends; the girls body began to glow a light blue before beginning to fade again. The crew all heard a faint voice speak before she completely vanished into thin air. Smiling, Anakin spoke "and neither will we" that earned a nod from everyone.

Opening her eyes, Max found herself...back in her bedroom!! She was sat on her bed, surrounded by her gifts from the Ghost crew. Looking over at the clock and calendar, the girl saw that it was the same date and time as when she had somehow arrived on the Ghost "looks like nothing has changed here" she mumbled to herself. 

All of a sudden, Max's bedroom door swung open to reveal her mother "for the third time, dinners ready" she stated before raising a brow to the objects on her bed "em...what are these??" she asked. Feeling a smile form on her face, Max answered "they're gifts...from some amazing friends" her mum nodded as she told her daughter to hurry downstairs before her dinner turns cold before leaving the room. 

Taking a deep breath, Max collected the things into her arms before putting them away. Sabine's painted was hung up on the way, Hera's pilot gloves were stored in draw fro special objects, Ezra's bucket-head helmet was placed a clear shelf in the corner, Kanan's holocron box was on her bed side table and Zeb's bo-rifle was stored in the corner of the room, hidden behind her guitar. She placed Anakin's locket around her neck, Ahsoka's bracelet found it's place on her wrist and she clipped in the Padawan braid from Obi-wan into her hair. 

Suddenly, Max heard her mum call for her to come down for dinner once again; she hurried to do as told as she knew if her mother had to yell one more time, it would be like calling the Ghost "stupid" with Hera within hearing distance. Max learnt what happens thanks to Zeb making a faithful error in doing so. The girl genuinely thought she'd be digging Zeb a grave that fearful day. Boy, was she going to miss them dearly. But she had promised she'd find a way to return. And Max never ever breaks a promise.

The End.

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