chapter 17

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Phils p.o.v

*three days later*

Dan living with me was proberly one of the best ideas ever. His room is just opposite mine and so far his parents have not contacted him once. Everything has been perfect. Dan and I have chats at night then he goes to his room, then we text. There is really no time when we don't talk. Except when we are browsing tumblr or watching youtube or Netflix (with out the chill)we don't talk then.

Since people now seem to know we are friends they no longer expect a fight at school. We are now no longer the centre of attention. There is still one thing that the school does not know. That we are dating, and today is the day we "tell" them. We don't feel a ned to but its better to do so then have people ask us out later on

The day started like a normal day, by me jumping into dans room and waking him up.

"DAN GET UP!" I shouted he just mumbled something then he slowly opened his eyes to look at me.

"What time is it?" He asked whilst his amazing eyes looked up at me. Boy he and his bed head was cute, hobbit hair bed hair is great.

"It's time you got up, silly head." I told him then walked out the room. Ten minutes later Dan and I had both walked downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning phil, morning Dan." My mum said.

"Morning " dan and I said at the same time. Breakfast was quiet as usual but it was a nice quiet.

The drive to school was spent talking about our plan for coming out to the school.

"At lunch it is then.." Dan decided our plan was ready.

*skip to lunch*

Dan and I sat in the most crowded place in the lunch hall with Immy, Hannah,Imogen, Georgie, Ciara and micky and we put our plan into action. We sat and looked at each other in the eyes and I forgot the noise of the lunch hall noise. He leaned in and that's when we kissed. A while later we pulled away, and the whole lunch room was silent. Everybody was staring at us, then I heard a cheer and the odd I knew it. I looked at Dan and he was smiling with a huge blush.

We had done it, we had come out to our school and it felt amazing

Immys p.o.v

right in front of our very eyes phan came to life and it was amazing to see them so happy after.

"Well done boys" I said to both of them.

"yeah, well done." Everyone said

"Thank you very much." phil smiled

"No thank you" I said, both dan and phil looked confused but once they saw the annoyed faves of everyone at the table, i think they worked out it was a bet.

" how much do they owe you immy" Dan asked

"oh just £75 each." i said with a smile as they paid up.

"Now we have come out, your turn Himmy." Dan said with a smile.

" HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY IM STRAIGHT!" i shouted as everyone laughed.

Phils mums p.o.v

Should I tell Dan or not.

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