chapter 22

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this chapter has 420 words, it must be blazed.

Dans p.o.v

After everything that happened yesterday phil decided that it was time for a date. I realised that we had never had a date before(except Starbucks) and I can't wait to see what he is planning.

I was awoken at 11 by an amazing phil, with my favourite breakfast in his hands.

"Morning sleepy head." He said happily.

"Morning boyfriend" I replied as he gave me the breakfast. As I was eating phil sat and talked to me.

When I was done he took the food and said "be ready for 6 and don't talk to me till then. I was shocked but I was fine with that.

I was ready by 6 and at 6 phil came to my room and said

"Let's go lovely sir "

"Let's go."

I did not know where we were going but I did know that their was a picnic basket involved. When we got to the place we were going I saw it was a field, but not just any field. It was a field with nothing else but one tree sat perfectly in the middle, it looks aesthetic

Phils p.o.v

I saw dans eyes sparkle the moment he saw where I had taken him. I know he has never been here and I also know he loves things to be perfectly in place and to be aesthetically pleasing.

"Come on." I say as I walk him over to the tree.

Once at the tree I lay the Blanket down, perfectly in the middle, and I then lay out the food.

"Phil did you make all of this?" Dan asks shocked, i don't usually cook and I've never cooked for him. so he probably doesn't know i can.

"Yeah, all for you" I say with a grin on my face. He smiles and his amazing dimples appear.

"Thank you. " He replies. Then digs Into the food.

Throughout the meal we don't really stop talking, but when we are done I lay down and Dan joins me. Again we are lying in the fault In Our stars way. we lay like that happily looking at the stars through the gap in the tree. 5 minutes later I realise that Dan is looking at me with his heart eyes.

"What?" I ask.

"Can we tell them this year. " He asks.

"Only if you are ready for the apocalypse of social media. " I answer back.

"I'll do anything so I don't have to hide my love from you. " He says. I smile.

Boy do I love this boy too much.

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