chapter 18

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Phils p.o.v

The rest of the day was filled with congratulations and the odd you fag. I shook that off though because nothing was as bad as what happens to Dan. The moment I walked through my homes door, I knew something was up. Since mum was their at the door waiting for us.

"Hey phil...hey dan" my mum said nervously. why did i have to be right.

"Hey Mrs lester." Dan said happily unconcerned.

"Hey mum, what's up?" I asked in a curious tone.

"I need to speak to you Dan." She said in a sad tone. Dan looked concern.

"Anything you have to say to Dan, you can say to me." I said. Dan looked at me with a small smile.

"Umm...well Dan, your parents want you back." Mum said. Dan looked shocked, and I could tell I did too. "Since you guys aren't going to say something. I need to say i I'm not dans legal guardian so I can't let him stay here."

Dans p.o.v

Going back to my parents, the ones that tried to kill me, the ones that abused me and the ones that did not feed me, yeah sounds like a great idea. sounds like a dream holiday.

"How about we call the police." Phil suggested.

"Why would we do that." I asked

"Well because beating a child and not feeding them is against the law." Phil told me.

"But I'm 18. Legally not a child." I told phil.

"Yes but beating someone up is still against the law." Phils mum chimed in ( a/n with the haven't you people ever heard of not hurting daaannn)

"Yes!" Phil and I said at the same time. I could possibly stay with Phil.

"Come on then let's go to the police station. " I said. Mrs deyes, Phil and I all walked to my car and we drove to the police station.

*at police station*

"We would like to report a crime officer" phils mum said. The police officer looked at us and said "and what would that crime be."

"The crime would be abuse to Dan here. His parents beat him, did not feed him and basically tried to kill him. " Phils mum exclaimed. The officer looked at us with a suspicious face. Then said "fill out this form and we will get this sorted as quickly as possible as this is a serious accusation ."

"I would also like to have legal permission to look after Dan."" Phils mum said. Phil and I smiled at each other.

"We can get that sorted. " The police officer said then we went to fill out the form. I can't believe that I can live with Phil.

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