chapter 29

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Dans p.o.v

Phil has done so much for me over the years but my favourite thing he has done for me, is loved me. I may not be perfect or I may not have had the perfect pass but phil did not care. He loved me for me and I love him for him.

I had a plan to show my love and I searched on tumblr for ideas. Tumblr is full of ideas of the way I could do this. I searched for hours and hours....until I found the perfect one. Now all I needed to do was shop.

I cam back for, shopping with the most perfect thing I needed and my plan was set for tomorrow.

*skip to the next day*

I was ready, today was the day and it would be done whilst filming the boyfriend tag.

"You ready phil?" I asked phil as I sat in front of the camera waiting for phil to be ready.

"Yeah" phil said as he walked into the room, looking as adorable as ever.

We began the video and I set my plan into action when phil asked me "what is my first and last Name." Then laughed about how silly the question is. I laughed too then said

"That's easy Phillip howell. " I said then took at my ring. Phil looked shocked and was I spoke.

"Phil you have saved me from death, myself and my parents. You brought love and life into my world of darkness. You stayed with me and I dont know why. I love you more than I can explain so Phillip Michele lester will you marry me. "

Phils p.o.v

I was shocked and nearly in tears, he was so cute and I loved time so much so

"Yes. Of course. " I answered. Dan smiled then he put the ring on my finger. I will soon be a howell or Dan will be a letter.

i never really hated you (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now