Haunted by the Ghost of Charlotte Potter Ch.60

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Charlotte's P.O.V.

I took the necklace out of the box to examine it.

It was glistening in the light, and looked so pretty.

But, who would give me a necklace with a creepy letter that says 'Remember me?'

I put the necklace in my pocket which surprisingly doesn't see through it. I then put the letter in the box.

I picked it up, and quickly made my way to the Gryffindor common room.

I then hid the box under the couch.

"Where've you been Charlotte?" A voice says behind me.

I turn around to see Nate standing on the table with a curious gaze and his tail swaying left and right.

"Oh, you know just came back from a long walk." I said walking towards him.

He tilted his little head, "You just got back? After 5 hours?"

I looked at him confused, "5 hours? Have I been out that long?"

He nods his head, "Mirage, Ginny, and that ginger git have been asking for you every 30 minutes. I kept shaking my head 'no' as a response."

I shook my head at him, "But, it only felt like a couple of minutes..."

I took a glance at the clock.

Nate was right. I left around 9 in the morning. It's now 1 in the afternoon. Had I really lost track of time in the forest? I'm usually great for keeping track of time. That's how I'm good at catching someone being pranked. How could I lose that much of precious time? Was it because of the pond?


That's nonsense. A pond couldn't possibly be the reason for it. Nor is it the reason that an evil version of me rose out from the lake, and then no later than a few minutes I found an odd necklace that was addressed to me.

It's nonsense.

"Charlie," I hear a voice say behind me, "Where've you been?"

I turn to see Harry and Ron.

"Nowhere. On your way to lunch?" I asked.

They nod their heads.

"Good. Let me join you two." I said following them out of the Common Room.

"Charlotte?!" I hear Nate yell from behind me.

I turn my head to look at him.

Even though he's a cat, you can clearly see the concern in his eyes.

I look at him confused.

Why is he so worried?

I follow Harry and Ron towards the Great Hall.

But, they suddenly make a turn out the door, and into the courtyard.

"Harry? Ron? Where are you going?" I question them.

I follow them across the courtyard. Others were looking at me strangely but I ignored them.

I kept calling after them, but they don't respond.

Why aren't they responding? Or talking for that matter.

They continued to walk towards the front bridge.

"HARRY! RON! Stop walking, turn around, and tell me what you guys are doing!" I yelled at them.

Then, once they turned; My eyes widened in horror.

Their faces were pale, sunken, and blood was dripping down their eyes and mouth.

Their clothes all torn, and raggedy.

Suddenly they disappeared, and before me stood a couple of dementors.

I let out a loud squeal, and quickly walked backwards.

I felt a cold hand grasp my ankle, making me fall to the floor.

That didn't stop me as I begin to crawl away.

"Charlotte!" I can hear Fred's voice behind me.

I didn't respond as I kept crawling away from the dementors.

I felt a breeze of wind run pass me as I saw Uncle Remus whipped out his wand and performed a Petronus charm.

The dementors squealed and flew away.

Other foot steps were heard behind me.

"Charlotte! What the bloody hell wee you thinking?! Just walking up to those dementors as if it was normal was crazy!" Fred scolds as he looks down at me.

I didn't move as I looked at where the dementors were.

I honestly thought I was following Harry and Ron.

Is that why Nate looked at me with worry?

He saw me talk to no one, but myself?

What the bloody hell is wrong with me?

After a couple of minutes of him scolding me, we made our way back into the castle without Uncle Remus.

I didn't say a word as we did so.

George and Mirage noticed my spaced out mood.

"Charlie, are you alright?" Mirage asks with concern.

I look up at her, "Yes. I just don't know how this happened. I thought I was following Harry and Ron."

"Charlotte, were you hallucinating?" George questions.

I shook my head confused, "I don't know..."

Fred looked calm now as he spoke, "Has it been like that since you came back from the forest?"

I nod my head, "Yea. I was also seeing and hearing things in the forest."

Mirage raised an eyebrow, "All of this was from today?"

I nod my head once more, "All of that, and finding a necklace."

Eerily silence fell.

"What does this necklace look like?" Mirage questions with horror sketched into her face.

I looked at her with more confusion, "Silver chain with a blue beetle pendant. Why do you ask?"

Now all three of their expressions was scared.

"Do you have it with you?!" They ask in a panic.

"Why are you guys so worried about a stupid necklace? And don't worry I left it where I found it." I said with a force lie coming out of me.

They looked a little bit relieved but still looked worried, "Do you know where you left it?"

I shrugged, "Don't remember. All of the halls look the same."

Why the bloody hell am I saying this?! I want to tell them the truth, but it's like my voice is being controlled by someone else!

What is happening to me?


FINALLY AN UPDATE! Thank you all so much for reading and for your patience! Comment down below telling me what you think, and what will happen next.

Check out my other stories from this profile including the new story where you can request! Also go to my other profile for my original stories which are filled with fantasy, magic, werewolves, vampires, and so much more!

See you guys later with a new chapter!


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