Haunted by the Ghost of Charlotte Potter Ch.27

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Charlotte's P.O.V.

So, for the rest of the summer; me, Harry, and the Weasleys' have been hanging out nonstop.

Sadly, our vacation has to end. But, we are so pumped up to go back to Hogwarts.

Me, and the Twins have been planning our pranks, and they are full proof.

I was outside planning the entire year in my head. Harry, Ron, and Hermione would be in their second year; and probably getting into trouble. Ginny would be in her first year, and the Twins would be in their fourth year; probably annoying each other.

For me, I would be learning more advanced magic from Dumbledore.

I'm still curious as to why he would teach me magic anyway?

Soon, I heard a rustle in the barn.

I looked over there.

'Should I?' I asked myself.

I thought for a moment, and walked towards the barn.

I didn't feel like opening the door so I walked through it.

The barn was covered in hay, and there were tables and wooden boxes.

They were all filled with Muggle stuff that were piling high over eachother.

I recongized some of the Muggle technology that were on the tables.

The black box that had switches, and buttons was called a 'Television'.

It amazes me how Muggles can survive without any magic for help.

I walked down an aisle and let my hand run through the items.

Soon, I was interrupted by a noise behind me.

I spun myself around.

"Hello?" I called out.

Nothing answered back.

I slowly walked to where I heard the sound.

Until, something knocked over a few toasters over behind me.

I looked backed quickly to see what it was.

But sadly, nothing was there.

Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me.

I knocked myself over the head, and walked back outside.

I entered back inside the Burrow, and forgot the whole thing.

The next day came, and boy; it was a rush.

Molly was making sure that Ginny had everything in the car already, the Twins were making sure that their mum won't take away the pallets I gave them last year on Christmas, Harry and Ron were also trying to find the numbus 2000 broomstick Harry received last year for making the Qudditch team.

I was just sitting in the car waiting for them patiently.

"How can you be so calm when everyone else is going crazy?" Fred asked me as he was putting his luggage into the trunk.

I let out a chuckle.

"Well, I have nothing to pack so why should I be stressing out?" I told him.

He sighed.

"Lucky." He said dragging on the y.

I gave him an innocent smile.

After about a good 5 minutes everyone was in the car.

They were making sure that they have everything, and we were off.

We all suggested that we fly the car, but Molly denied and made Arthur drive the car.

Haunted by the Ghost of Charlotte Potter(Fred Weasley story Ch.1)Where stories live. Discover now