Haunted by the Ghost of Charlotte Potter Ch.23

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The next few weeks came by in a blur.

Me, and the twins have been closer than ever.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione got in trouble for being at Hagridsafter hours. Draco got in trouble for being out after hours as well. They had to go inside the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid, and Fang.

That's where Harry almost got attacked by a monstrous beast who was drinking unicorns' blood.

Today, everything was calm. Harry, Ron, and Hermione lost 50 points each because of being out after hours so every Gryffindor ignored them.

Those gits. Fred, and George had to serve lunch detention with Sprout.

So, I was currently sitting between Harry, and Hermione at lunch.

I told them what happened the night at the West Wing.

"See. I told you Fluffy is guarding something." Harry said.

"But the question is; what is he guarding?" Ron said curiously.

"I think I know the answer to that question," Hermione said and stood up, "If you don't mind following me to the Library."

Me, Harry, and Ron stood as well, and followed Hermione to the Library.

We sat side by side at one of the tables, waiting for Hermione to come back.

"I overlooked Nicholas Flamel, so I missed it. How can I be so stupid?!" She exclaimed and dropped a large book infront of us.

She then turned a bunch of pages and stopped.

"Here it is. Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Sorcerer's Stone!" She whispered loudly to us.

"The what?" Ron, and Harry asked.

"Oh honestly, don't you two ever read?" Me, and Hermione asked.

"Now I remember who Flamel is. He a good friend of Dumbledore. I've met him before." I said hitting my self on the top of my head.

"Here; let me read," Harry said and took a look at the book, "It says that Nicholas Flamel created a stone that can make you live for ever. He recently celebrated his 665thbirthday with his wife who is 658."

"665 years old?!" Ron questioned surprised.

"This is what Snape wants." Hermione says pointing to the picture of the stone.

"That is was Fluffy is guarding. The Sorcerer's Stone." I said putting the peices together.

"Snape wants to live forever. That's why Snape wants it." Harry said.

"So, what are we going to do?" Ron asks.

"That's easy; we're going through the trapdoor. Tonight." Harry said in a serious tone.

"Whoa! Pause for a moment Harry," I said, "You three might get caught again. You'll lose another 150 points from Gryffindor. And that means Gryffindor won't be able to win this year. It'll be Slytherin who'll win again."

"What's important right now Charlotte. Points, or Preventing Snape from living forever?" Ron asked me.

I thought for a moment, and sighed.

"I guess you're right. But, how are you going to pass Fluffy? He'll rip you to peices." I said.

"You can help us," Hermione said, "You know Fluffy more than we do. You can calm him down long enough for us to go through the trapdoor."

I nodded.

"Alright. I'll do it. We go tonight."

Later that day, me, and Fred were sitting by the Black lake talking as usual.

Haunted by the Ghost of Charlotte Potter(Fred Weasley story Ch.1)Where stories live. Discover now