Haunted by the Ghost of Charlotte Potter Ch.50

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YAY! The 50th chapter for HBGOCP! I'm so happy because you all are the reason why I'm continuing to write this for you guys, and I cannot thank you enough! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and thanks a bunch for reading! <3 ~Arielle =^_^=


Charlotte's P.O.V.

So, for the entire summer has been great! My magic has been improved so I can now be able to use my wand more. Now, I passed my hunger phase and moved on to actually smelling like a human.

Well, that's actually a downer because I honestly smelled like a dead unicorn in the Forbidden Forest during a thunderstorm in the middle of Autumn. But, luckily I didn't start smelling like that when the students arrived.

I would never hear the end of it if Angelina saw me like that. That girl would use it to humiliate me for the entire year.

But, now I smell like lavender and jasmine. ^_^ Hmm, I smell pretty.

Anyway as my summer was progressing, Nate's wasn't. He turned into a Cat earlier this summer, and he's been stuck like that since.

I blame Collin for giving him a Polyjuice potion. So, then during the summer every time I mentioned Fred and Egypt in the same sentence the room just goes tense. I don't know what's wrong with me wondering if Fred was having a good time in Egypt. But, I know that they're not going to tell me.

But, I do know that Fred will tell me himself when he get's here tonight.

I miss everyone so much. Sadly, I couldn't write to them because I've been so busy with my magic lessons.

So, when they get here tonight we're going to catch up on eachother's summer.

I can't wait to see them!

Huh.....I seem a bit too cheerful today.

Oh well, it's natural to be happy to see your friends again.

Hope they have a nice, and peaceful trip coming over here.

Fred's P.O.V.

So far, my summer has been slow. I haven't heard from Charlie all summer, and it's kinda getting me worried.

Is she still unconscious? Is she too busy with Nate? Does she not want to talk to me? Is she mad at me?

Bloody hell! I'm overreacting. Charlotte must be busy with her magic, and otherstuff.

I shouldn't be worried.

Anyway, the rest of the summer was alright. Except for the fact that George has been writing non-stop everyday to someone I dont know. It must be Lee.

But, we have been planning alot of pranks and gags for this year. And best of all, we get to do them with Charlotte, so that makes me happy.

Right now, we are in Kings Cross station going through the Muggle Crowd to get to Platforms 9 and 10.

There's only 30 minutes left until the Train leaves to go to Hogwarts. So, we were taking our sweet time.

As we made it to Platforms 9 and 10 we see a familiar face.

No, it's not Hermione because she's with us. Nor it was Harry because he's with us as well.

Dark brown hair, tan skin, big hazel eyes and short compared to me and George but taller than Hermione.


"Hi!" She says cheerfully and walking up to us.

"Mirage?" Ginny asked, "Why are you here? Aren't you suppose to be in Egypt?"

Haunted by the Ghost of Charlotte Potter(Fred Weasley story Ch.1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora