Haunted by the Ghost of Charlotte Potter Ch.52

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As time passed by, we went back into the School.

I separated with Harry, Ron, and Hermione because I wanted to visit Myrtle.

I haven't seen her in a long time. Not even during the summer.

Since Collin has been busy mixing up a cure for Nate, he hasn't visit her.

Myrtle's a friend so I should check up on her.

"Myrtle?" I said aloud as I entered her domain known as the Girls' Bathroom, "Are you in here?"

It was silent.

Myrtle is not the 'Silent' type. So, it seems odd.

"Myrtle?" I said again looking around the sinks.

I then ended up looking from stall to stall.

Still nothing.

I stopped at her stall and looked inside the toilet.

I sighed.

"Myrtle?" I yelled into the toilet.

Still nothing.

I honestly feel like an idiot for looking into a lou.

As I stood up straight, and about to walk out of the stall.

I heard the water bubbling inside the toilet.

I looked back at it confused.

"Myrtle?" I said confused.

Then, a hand popped out from the toilet, grabbing me by my shirt then, pulling me into the toilet bowl.

I screamed as my nearly dead body went through the toilet, and getting stuck at the waist.

Myrtle was looking at me surprised, "Charlotte?!"

"Myrtle?!" I said back as I am through the sewer wall.

"I thought you were Collin. I was going to give him a black eye for not visiting me." Myrtle says crossing her arms, and mood fumed.

"Well, sorry that I'm the wrong spirit. But, before you get angry and fly away; can you please help me out of this!" I said trying to push myself out.

She frowned and disappeared.

A few minutes later I feel Myrtle's hands on both of my ankles.

As she started to pull, my waist was in pain as the pipe was squeezing tightly.

"Ugh!" You're fat body isn't budging!" Myrtle yelled out of fustration.

"I am not fat!" I shouted at her.

"Oh really? How much food did you eat before you came here?" She asked me.

"How did you know that I could eat again?!" I asked her surprised.

"I can hear everythining through those pipes Charlotte. So, how much did you eat?"

I sighed, "I don't know. A few bacon strips, eggs, toast, fruit, pumpkin juice-"

"What didn't you eat? The entire table?" Myrtle asks.

"Shut up! I'm a hungry person alright?! Just please get me out of here, or atleast go get Lucas, Talia, and Collin to help."

I hear her sigh, and leave.

Guess I'll be stuck here for a while.


"Charlotte! Why did you have to eat so much this morning?!" Lucas yelled while he and Talia tried to pull me out.

On the other side where I was facing; Myrtle was pushing my shoulders in.

Haunted by the Ghost of Charlotte Potter(Fred Weasley story Ch.1)Where stories live. Discover now