Chapter 3

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Sleeping in class wasn't something I did very often, but today I needed it. I didn't sleep AT ALL last night. My 'parents' where fighting and throwing things all night and I'm pretty sure someone kissed my forehead and said something? As the bell rang for the last class I smiled as I walked out. It was Friday so I went strait to the forest and sat at the foot of my favorite tree. It was tall and had branches going everywhere. It was an old tree like a thousand years old. Not really. It was still pretty old though.

As I was sitting there I got out my old Fairytale book an started to read the wonderful story of Snow White. One of my favorites. I was at the part where the dwarfs find her sleeping in there beds when I heard someone whistling. Now I'm not gonna be one of those stupid girls where they yell out to the killer giving away there position and then getting killed. So I sat there quietly listening to the whistling. The next thing I knew a boy fell from the tree above me scaring me to death. Okay not really but yeah. I went to scream but his hand came over my mouth and he held a finger to his mouth.

"Don't scream alright?" He said while slowly moving his hand. I knew I couldn't scream because no one would hear me even if I did. "W-who are you?" I stuttered. He looked like some wild man. With his leaf pants, knife in a side leaf purse thing. One thing I didn't fail to notice is how modern his features looked. He had tattoos up his arms and some on his chest. He had a lip ring and gages in his ears. Not the ugly kind either the nice kind. The not so big but not so small kind.

He smirked and leaned so his mouth was next to my ear. My breath hitched slightly as he got closer to me. No guy has even been this close to me before.

"My names Peter. Peter Pan."


So hope this is long enough for you guys!! And I know what you're thinking.

"What the fuck is up with Peter?"

Yeah well in my opinion he is more dangerous and mystery a this way. And to find out where I got this Peter from just google "animated emo Peter Pan" and yeah you know the drill!!!

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