Chapter 7.

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Five Weeks.

That's how long it's been since I've seen her. Heard her beautiful voice. Seen her contagious smile. Her laugh. All of it. I miss it, a lot. I don't know what it is, but she brings me in and I can't help but wonder why?

Is this 'love' I'm feeling? No it couldn't be 'love' I'm Peter Pan I can't feel 'love'. Feeling 'love' would mean I'm growing up. I don't want to grow up so I will NOT feel 'love'. That is a grown up emotion and I am NOT a grown up.

Feeling those type of emotions would be crazy. I could never fall in love. Could I? No I couldn't. I don't wanna grow up. If that means getting rid of the person I like then so be it.

Growing up is over rated anyway. Shaking the thoughts out of my head I got off the tree branch I was resting on and flew to her window.

The first thing I noticed where the police men sitting outside. Worried I flew to her window only to see her mom crying and cops talking to her.

I grew more and more worried as I soon realized she wasn't here. Flying away I called and called her name. I never got a reply. Soon it became dark and started to rain.

I started to loose hope in ever finding her. Then I remembered to check 'The Center'. Flying as quickly as I could I flown to 'The Center' there I looked around calling out her name over and over again.

Finally I saw her laying by the fountain of youth. "Payton!" I screamed and flew to her side. Kneeling down beside her I placed my had on her wet slightly pink cheek.

Her eyes slowly opened and she looked at me. "P-Peter?" Her voice croaked. I knew. I could tell the moment she opened her eyes. I knew. I don't know why she did it or how she knew but she did.

"You drank from the fountain didn't you Payton?" I asked already knowing the answer. Payton smiled slightly and nodded. "Damn it!" I said before picking her up. I looked around for the doorway to Neverland. Finding It's door in the trunk of a tree I flew to it. "Hold on Pay. I got you."

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