Chapter 9

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[ I know that this isn't an actual trailer (on side) but I love it and want to use it as one! So credit goes to Kerin Kov subscribe to her on YouTube omg!! ]

I sighed as Peter paced the small wooden cabin. "Peter. It's not a big deal. Honestly." I said rolling my eyes. I was sitting in a wooden thrown type of chair. It was decorated in vines and beautiful pink flowers. "Yes it is" he sighed while slamming his knife in the table, again, he's done that seven times already. "All he did was see my boob Peter. Do you really think tying him up and leaving him on a boat is necessary?" I asked walking to him. Earlier while I was changing from my normal clothes into Neverland clothes one of my guards, spike, walked in and saw one boob. It wasn't even a full boob, more like just the side. Peter walked in shortly after and flipped his shit. I haven't been able to calm him down since. And I've tried everything, and I do mean everything.

Peter stopped moving as I rapped my arms around him. "Peter. Please don't do this. He's a nice guy and a good gaurd. Please." I mumbled while kissing his back. He sighed and slumped his body against me. "Fine. Only because you asked so nicely." He said smiling down at me. I smiled up at him and kissed his cheek. "Thank you baby!" I said while running to stop Fox from putting a tied up Spike on a one way trip to Siren Rock. Once at the beach I ran to Fox and Rat while they where loading up Spike. "Stop!" I yelled while grabbing Fox's arm. "Not now Mother. We must send him away." Fox spoke as he tried to get my hand off his arm. "No Peter said not to!" I yelled again.

Peter showed up some time later and helped me get Spike untied. "Thanks Mother. I really am sorry about earlier." Spike spoke as he rubbed his neck awkwardly. I smiled and shrugged. "It's okay Spike. You didn't know." I said while hugging him. Peter rolled his eyes at us and mumbled under his breath. "Whatever. You're dismissed Spike." He spoke while grabbing my arm. "Tell the young ones lights out!" I called as Peter dragged me to our cabin. It was high on a cliff overlooking the hide out. I smiled at the thought of when I first arrived here three months ago. Peter and all the lost boys where so nice and welcoming to me. They call me Mother and treat me like I've always been here.

"Peter, what are you doing?" I asked as he started stripping my clothes. "Showing who you belong to. Obviously." He said rolling his eyes. "Oh really?" I said walking away from him. "Yes. Now come back here" he demanded as I walked away. I noticed when he gets certain feelings his eyes change to a light gold color. He smiled as his eyes changed and he flew after me. "Cheater!!" I yelled as I ran around our house. He obviously caught me after a few seconds. Living here with Peter and the Lost Boys has been like a dream come true. All that was missing was Alex.

The next morning I awoke to a frantic Able. A young boy, only three, who I've come to love as if he where my own. "Mother!" He yelled jumping on the bed. Peter was instantly on alert. "What is it Able?" I asked rubbing my eyes and holding the sheet to my body. "Mother I saw bad guy" he spoke in a hushed voice. As if someone where listening. "Where?" Peter asked as I hugged Able to me. "The water." He pointed to the ocean that could be seen from our window. "Oh no." I mumbled seeing the black flag flying high an proud. "Peter" I said looking at him while hugging Able closer to me.

Three house later and I'm still in the ground floor with the younger Lost Boys. It's basically under the hide out. Like a mini village Peter built for these types of situations. "Mother" Able mumbled as he hugged my neck. "Yes Able?" I asked as I rubbed his back with one hand and held Zach's hand with the other. Zach was a cute little boy with fluffy brown hair and big green eyes. He looked just like Able. I think they're brothers. "I'm scared" Able mumbled.

"Me two Able. Peter has it under control. Don't worry." I said to all the Lost Boys that where down here. Everyone went quiet as we heard the secret door open. "Peter!" I yelled as I went to him hugging his dirty, sweaty, and bloody body close to mine. "Jesus Payton. Did you miss me?" he joked while hugging me back. "Don't do that again Peter!" I whisper yelled while a tear slipped. "I won't" he whispered back as he hugged me tightly. "Good." I said kissing him.

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