Chapter 1: Meet Josh

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In the daytime I'm Rachel, just a normal girl with a normal life. There's a thing that no one knows yet, cuz I have a secret. I'm a superhero. Surprise! I know right. "Super hero" but I assure you. I am one. A geek like me can't be one right? Wrong. God chose me to have powers of my hero. Oh and my partner. Snowblade. He's pretty far out! Even though I don't know him in real life, we are best friends. He has a crush on me which make it akaward because he has only seen me in my hero costume. In real life I look geeky and nerdy. Which makes it worse for my crush, Josh to notice me. I know I sound desperate....NOTICE ME SENPAI! Anyways lets get on with the story.


I was walking to class with my bestfriend, Jackie and we stopped to look at an ad for our talent show this Friday. "Seems cool right? Being on stage in front of..I don't know maybe like.. 1000 people. Well..never mind. Just the thought of being on stage makes me want to faint." I exaggerate. "Oh quit your yapping! It would be cool to show em whatcha got!" Jackie says.

"Are you guys going to be in the school play too?" Said a voice I couldn't guess. I didn't look to see who it was. Jackie nudged me. Hey what gives?! I look at who was talking and it was my crush, Josh. "Hey  J-Josh! How are you ummm you know like doing? You must be doing g-good b-because you umm are looking good! UMM I MEAN! Umm s-so uhh.." I stopped talking after that. He looks at me with a weird glare and I look down. "It's okay Rachey!" He pats my shoulder and walks away.

After that Jackie walked me home while we talked about Josh and stuff. As soon as I got home I turned on the tv. "IMPORTANT INTERUPTION!! NEW YORK IS IN DANGER! A MONSTER KNOWN AS THE MAD MANIMAL IS LOSE AND IS TERRORISING NEW YORK!" The TV shouted and my eyes widened. I quickly got my ring on and said 'TRANSFORM ME!'. I transformed in my superhero outfit. My hair in pigtails and I was wearing a black catsuit with designs of paint splashes with neon colors. I had my special rollerblades on and quickly ran out though my window. Then I see a light blue figure in the distance. "HEY SNOWBLADE!" I scream and he turns.

He quickly puts his hand out and snow gracefully comes out, forming a ice slide. I giggle as he slides down the ice slide and fist bumps me.

"Howya doin Snow?" I say, tryna act cool. He smirks then looks at me up and down. In case you didn't know I don't wear my glasses when I'm a superhero it has built in contacts I guess. I frown when I notice he's checking me out with his lingering eyes of his. He's wearing a light blue latex cat suit with snowflakes of some lighter color of the blue. He's wearing his ice skates and his mask that looks like its crystallized with snow.

"You look good, Roller." He says as he plants a smirk on his face. He leans in a grabs my hand. "Shall we?" I roll my eyes then gently pull my hand away.

"Enough of your childish charm, Snow. We have to fight crime!" I state as he groans and nods his head.

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