Chapter 6: Hero Day

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I give him my red ring and he gives me his Icy blue ring. I put it on my finger.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow." He says. I nod and head for the bed.


"TRANSFORM ME!" I shout. The suit immediatley covers me. The suit is designed to fit whoever goes in it. I look good I can't lie.

I head for school and hum a song thans stuck in my head. It was going all good when-

Arms wrap around my waist from the back. I stiffen up.

"HEY WHAT GIVES?!" I scream.

"Calm down Snow Princess. It's just me." Someone answers. Snow princess? Who would call me that? I turn my head over to who's hugged me from behind. Josh.

"Oh it's you." I sigh in relief.

"You look n-ICE." He says and chuckles. I glare at him and he puts his hands up in surrender before coming up to my side. I look down at my feet. It's a relief that the blades can come and go from the shoe.

"Well, I can be cool." I say with a proud smirk. He gasp. I look at him with a raised eyebrow and he smirks. Our relationship is weird. We are like friends but I don't think we're really that close out of costume.


"COOL COSTUME, RACHEL!" I look at Jackie like really? "You and Josh are so cute-except you are wearing the wrong costumes. You should be Rollerblade and he should be Snow."

I nod my head, faking to agree. I look at the bottom of my desk, where Josh sits. He's sitting with Kaitlyn because his friend Christopher isn't here. Damn Kaitlyn gets on my nerves. It's like show your face and wipe off your ugly ass makeup. She's hugging his arm and he's just sighing.

She's dressed as rollerblade. Well as me. I look away from the horror and sigh while waiting for the teacher to get here.

"Well, Rachel. What are you supposed to be? BitchGirl?" Her and her minion Stephanie chuckle. I don't care if her daddy is the mayor, I'm gonna stand up for myself.

I slam my hands on the desk and stand up.

"Kaitlyn, do us all a favor and get your personality out of your ass. We are all sick and tired of you bullying ever person you see. Kaitlyn, if you want I can draw you a map strait to hell, so you'll know where to go. Barbie, I'm sorry if someone pissed in your Froot Loops this morning, but you don't need to be a bitch to everyone you see!" I state then leave the room, slamming the door.

I walk down the empty hall trying not to tear up. I can't hold them back. Tears stream down my face. Why did I do that? It's not like me to stand up. I think I did a lot of people a favor and spoke out for not only myself but for them too. I feel proud but...I'm usually not like this. What the hell is wrong with me? Did I just suddenly go 0-100 real quick?

"There you are." I turn around to see who spoke.

"Hey Josh." I say while wiping a tear from my face. He walks over to me, and his smile fades. He comes in my personal space and gives me a big warm hug.

"Hey, you were awesome back there. The way you told off Kailtyn was on point. Everyone was like: OOoOOoOo, when you left. I never knew you had it in you ,but you spoke out for us. Thanks Rachey." He comforts me by rubbing my back.

"Your welcome. Josh. Do you wanna go buy ice cream? Not that I'm PMSing or anything." I chuckle and so does he. He nods his head and lifts his hand up for me to take. "Oh, so your a gentleman now?"

He laughs then scratches his neck with his other hand. He's scratching his neck: boys do that when they're nervous. "Only to pretty girls." He blushes.

"Alright then." I smile and take his hand as we leave campus.


Later on we went to Ice-Cream De France. We got out of costume earlier and fed our kwami. (Our pets) I got Rocky Road my all time favorite. Josh got Strawberry his favorite. We sat at a bench and finished our ice cream while playing I Spy.

Call me childish all you want I'm still me :3

Josh sits at the bench looking all hot. He hands me the Skittles bag and I grab the blue one.

"Why the blue? Everyone knows red is the best." He states. I roll my eyes. The blue litteraly dyes your tounge. WHO DOESN'T LIKE THAT?!

"Blue dyes your tounge. I like that." I state.

"Well, you have blue, I have red. Wanna make purple?" He says as he leans in my face. INSTANT BLUSH MODE ACTIVATE.

RollerbladeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя