
492 11 10
  • Dedicado a Evan Corea

The televisions were filled with static and the radios had gone silent. Not a minute passed when a major blackout consumed every light as far as the eye can see, revealing the true beauty of the night. The sky began to rumble as if to warn the oncoming calamity. A black vortex suddenly ripped open the space above earth in a ring of spiraling tendrils of bright light.

Many people woke up to see a rain of meteors emerge from the vortex and turn into fiery tears as they entered the earth's atmosphere.

Within minutes after the meteors exited, the vortex closed in upon its self and vanished without a trace. The excitement that kept everyone awake disappeared along with the vortex and the meteor shower. With the sudden change in the atmospheric pressure due to the meteors came another shower but this time it was water that fell from the skies. The skies shifted from a clear night sky to a raging torrent

Amidst the rain a lone woman covered in a black cloak cradled a package wrapped in fine silken clothes very securely in her hands. In a rushed but well placed pace the woman navigated through the suburb and drew near the Garrison's house, continuously looking over her shoulder to make sure she was not being followed.

The water splashed at her feet but her body never got wet from the rain even at the thick of it. As she came near the door her features became more visible under the porch light. She seemed like a normal woman in her early thirties except she seemed to be lost in the wrong timeline. She wore a medieval style dark blue dress and jewellery that matched it.

The woman knelt down near the door and out of her blue eyes came tears. They rolled down her cheeks and dropped onto the package. The bundle of cloth jerked in response. The woman moved a fold of the cloth aside and revealed the package was in fact a baby only a few weeks old. He slowly opened up his tiny eyes and looked curiously at the woman. As her eyes met his, his soft tiny lips beamed an innocent smile that made her heart ache in pain.

She bent down to place him on the front porch when her long dark hair fell over her shoulders and dangled above the baby. He reached and grabbed a tiny handful and tugged at the lock of hair. The woman smiled proudly as more tears began to fall.

She gently grabbed the fragile hands and freed her hair. After a final painful embrace she placed him on the door step. Then from within her sleeve she brought out a medallion about four inches in diameter with a sapphire at its centre. She whispered a few words that made its circular patterns glow slightly and fade away before placing it inside the clothes that wrapped the baby.

Next she pulled out a piece of paper and swiped her palm over it. Black ink emerged from the paper and formed symbols before turning into letters. At the end of the letter the circular pattern of symbols same as the medallion appeared as a crest.

After securing the paper within the folds of the baby's cloth, she rang the doorbell of the house. Without waiting for an answer she turned around and left. This time her immunity to water no longer seem to be in effect as she let the rain drops merge with her unyielding tears and soak her face. Across the street she paused and turned around just as the lights turned on in the house.

Hidden behind her dark cloak she watched as a man appear from the door gently pick up the baby. He looked around for a while and went back inside.

"Goodbye my son........."

The Guardians' Fate: Book One (On Hold)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora