Chapter 14: The Unexpected Vacation

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"MOM, MOM, MOM, MOM, MOM!" I yelled as I practically burst out of the elevator onto my face. I looked around and couldn't see her anywhere. As I ran towards her bedroom, she rounded the corner and we stopped inches before colliding. Her face was filled with worry and panic.

"WHAT, WHAT, WHA- WHAT'S WRONG JESSICA? WHAT HAPPENED?!" She yelled frantically as she looked me up and down for signs of injuries.

"Nothing is wrong ma!" I grabbed her shoulders and looked her in the eyes. "It's okay ma, just calm down! I'm sorry for scaring you! But..." The smile on my face grew into a crocodile grin. "I have a question for you!" I started bouncing up and down in place with excitement. There was no way she could say no!


"No!" Mom said as she paced back and forth with her hands on her hips. "No way in hell!"

"But ma!" I whined as I sat on the barstool. "It's only for a couple days, and there will be adults there and I've never been to California before!" I pleaded.

"Why would you want to go to California for New Years anyway? Everyone else in the world wants to come HERE! Aside from that, why would I let you go off to California with some boy and his family, just for New Years?!" She threw her hands up in the air. "Might as well just go buy you some alcohol while I'm at it!" Her eyes grew wide. I didn't understand why she was being so rash.

"Because Ma! I've been here for a while now and it's boring! I've never been to Disney Land, or California even! Why are you acting like this? It's not even a big deal! Robert and his dad just want to take me to California for New Years Eve! It's not like we're doing anything dangerous! We're going to Disney Land for God's sake!" I yelled back at her.

"But it's with a BOY and his FATHER who I DON'T KNOW!" She raised her voice. "And don't yell at me like that!"

"You can meet his dad! And you started yelling first!" I raised my shoulders defensively.

"I don't care to meet his dad! It won't change anything! Jessica, you aren't going!" She stomped her bare foot on the wood floor.

"Why not? Because YOU don't want to be alone on New Years? Because dad will be gone AGAIN on business? Because you secretly hate it here because it's not Bennington and-"

"THAT IS ENOUGH JESSICA!" She yelled at the top of her lungs in a growly voice that I had only heard one other time when she was arguing with the men trying to buy our land. I hated it. I wasn't going to stand for it.

"FINE MOM!" I never called her 'mom'. Always 'ma'. That was weird. "IF YOU REALLY ARE THAT SET ON RUINING MY NEW YEARS JUST SO SOMEONE ELSE CAN BE MISERABLE WITH YOU THEN FINE! BUT I'M STILL NOT SPENDING IT WITH YOU!" I screamed back as I got up and quickly walked towards the stairs. As I got to the bottom, I stopped and turned around before stomping my way up. "I bet dad would let me, considering he's the only good parent I have." I said calmly with a smart-ass smile on my face. I knew that was extremely hurtful, and not at all true. I had gotten my point across though and I couldn't take it back now. I walked calmly up the stairs, went to my room, and slammed the door as loud as I could.

I layed on my bed trying to decide how else to go about this. I wasn't giving up yet. Maybe I should call dad, or maybe I shouldn't. He might be busy...or he might just give me the same answer ma did. Finally I decided to call him. It rang for a couple minutes. He was on his way to somewhere in Maine for a court case. After an eternity, he answered.

"Hello, this is Thomas Harmon with Sullivan and Cromwell Law." He sounded so professional, and not like my dad.

"Pa, it's Jess." I giggled.

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