2 | Glass

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      I had never heard the sound of glass shattering before, and hearing it right as I was about to fall asleep only made the experience a thousand times worse.

      The sound was so abrupt and sheer that I could hardly veil my shock as I flew out of my bed and looked toward the window . . . Or what was left of it.

      Glass. A sea of glass was strewn across the floor. It sparkled and gleamed in the moonlight that was pooling in through the remaining skeleton of a window, but I wasn't completely enamored by its appearance.

            Only a fool wouldn't be able to see those jagged edges. The tips and points that could effortlessly scratch and mar your skin without even moving an inch.

      I stayed beside the bed, but my breathing was off-kilter as my eyes searched for something- anything that could explain why that window had been reduced to nothing but a dangerously dazzling pool of moonlight. I quickly realized how difficult it was to focus when your heart was overflowing with fear. Hard, unrelenting fear. My vision pulsated, went in and out of focus, until it finally grazed over an object that answered only one of the questions from my ever-growing list.

      An arrow was there, dark and different from everything that surrounded it.

      Someone shot an arrow through my window, my thoughts raced just as rapidly as my heart did. Who would do such a thing? How could someone do such a thing? This place is supposed to be closed off from the rest of the world-

      And then I heard it. The sound of voices. Male and female alike, but mostly male.

      "I told you that shooting the arrow was a terrible idea," someone hissed in a harsh whisper, their voice light but lethal. "What if it hurt the Dragon?"

      "If the person resting in that room is a Dragon, then I'm sure he can handle a little bit of glass. Am I right, or am I right?" Another voice questioned nonchalantly, and I flinched despite my own confusion.

            This voice was a lot deeper than the other one . . . I'd forgotten what a man's voice sounded like. How deep and jubilant it was. I'd been so used to Ayame being the only person who spoke to me, so I hadn't realized how unworldly it'd be to hear someone else speak for once. It was like listening to a completely different language, and yet I understood every single word and fluctuation of it.

      "I was talking about the arrow itself, you idiot," the other voice scolded viciously before softening to ask a question that wasn't directed toward anyone in particular. "Are we sure he's even up there?"

      There was a billowing moment of silence before another voice tried to speak up. It was deep too, but not ruthless or conniving at all. It was so, so much quieter than the others, but I heard it loud and clear, like a soft melody amidst the chaos.

      "Umm . . . I wouldn't refer to the Dragon as a 'he,'-" It tried to explain before being interrupted by a voice that was filled with suffocating determination.

      "I'm going to go try and talk to him! We are brothers, after all. It's only natural that we establish our bond as soon as possible."

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