23 | Deep Waters

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| Chin-Sun |

After our battle in the grasslands we took a quick rest before packing our things and moving along.

We had many days of traveling ahead of us, but we were determined to arrive at the sea before this so-called meeting would be taking place. If we got there in time, we would be able to take out a lot of the leaders bringing trouble to the Kingdom's people.

Once that was over with I wasn't sure where we'd be going next, but I was eager to see more of the world.

We were walking on a shaded path just within the forest line when Jae-Ha decided to strike up a conversation with me.

"I assume you've never seen the ocean before, Chin-Sun," he said casually.

"Nope. The only places I truly know are the ones I've traveled to with you all. And my old village, of course."

This made Jae-Ha smirk, "You'll love it in Awa. That's where these guys picked me up, after all."

"Getting you was an absolute pain," Yoon grunted. "But we were able to rid Awa of a lot of trouble. The timing was good, if anything."

"It should be a new city by now, considering how the human trafficking issue is gone," Kija added as he brushed a fallen leaf off his white cloak. "I'm excited to see if the fishermen still have some of the alcohol they served us last time. It was so good~"

"You could hardly handle that strong stuff, White Snake," Jae-Ha snickered, earning a very annoyed look from the Dragon. "You drank yourself silly."

"I'll admit it was very strong, but I can hold my liquor just as good as the next guy! And quit calling me White Snake. It's getting old."

"Never. Your reactions are too entertaining," he said smoothly before turning to look at me with a devious smile. "I wonder, can you handle your liquor, Chin-Sun?"

"I haven't a clue," I answered dutifully. "I've never been intoxicated before."

Before the Green Dragon could even get a word out, Hak jumped into the conversation with a deadpan order.

"It's not happening. Not at your hands, you droopy-eyed pervert."

"Oh, come on~" Jae-Ha whined. "Isn't it her choice whether or not she wishes to drink? The crew will surely want to celebrate our arrival."

This made Yona perk up, "It is her choice! Maybe her and I will drink together when we get to town-"

"Not a chance," said the towering bodyguard. "A sip of alcohol would make you ridiculous, princess. It would be the most unattractive thing ever."

"Why, you!" she pouted angrily.

"Quit your arguing. We'll be crunched for time anyways, so there isn't much use in making a bunch of nonsensical plans," Yoon lectured.

"I wasn't there with you guys when you were in Awa, but I'm excited to eat whatever seafood you cook, Yoon!" Zeno cheered.

"I don't cook good meals for misbehaving children."

"You're the youngest one here!" Kija roared, which resulted in yet another argument.

As everyone broke out into their own lively banter my attention shifted to the tall, handsome man walking on my left. Shin-Ah was as quiet as ever, and Ao was resting on his shoulder nibbling on a berry.

"Are you excited to go back to Awa?" I timidly asked, and he turned and looked down at me.

"I liked the sea food Yoon cooked before, so yes."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2021 ⏰

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