Armadas & Flower Crowns

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Title: Armadas & Flower Crowns

Genre: Romance, teen fiction, a hint of fanfiction, I guess.

Fandoms: Not that much of a fanfic, but it will have some fandom references here and there.

Pairings: Well, like I said, not much of a fanfic, but there will be some romance here.

Warnings: PG-13 (there may be occasional cussing and violence, I guess?)

Summary: "Why should I be listening to you?"
"Because my OTP is always right. And it's never straight."

Karin Roberts was your ordinary hipster. Quite laid-back and sassy, she was all flower crowns and pastel aesthetics. That is, until she logs on Tumblr one day, and finds a post that changes her life forever.

Aiden Yates, on the other hand, was quite the fanboy. Ask him the names of any fictional character, and he could tell you their entire life story. Also, being a multifandom fanboy, he had quite an armada of OTPs.

Two classmates, two friends, with two different interests. What bad could happen?

One day, upon discovering a unique post, Karin ends up falling into the world of ships, feels, and fanfics. When she tries to figure out this strange new world, she ends up going to Aiden for help.

She was expecting a quick answer on how to solve her problems. He was expecting a question about how to solve her math homework.

Instead, in an adventure that involves chocolate sundaes, awkward cosplay attempts, and a night of talking about ships, these two end up changing each other's lives, all over ships and OTPs.

And to think it was all because of a post about ships.


So, yeah. About how this story was formed: I remember thinking about some tumblr post which goes, "because my OTP is always right. And it's never straight." That quote kinda formed the basis around this book.

Basically, it's about two different people; a hipster and a fanboy, who end up becoming more than just friends after the hipster discovers a fandom post and goes to the fanboy for assistance in navigating the fandom world. And yeah, as mentioned in the summary, it will involve several crazy misadventures, especially involving OTPs.

Yeah, I know, it sounds a bit cliché, but idrc, it kinda sounds like a good idea for a book, though.

I might change the title though.

Anyways, see you all soon!

Yours truly,

Xxx Place_of_fangirls xxX

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