Chapter 1.

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Dedicated to Joagail

"Miss Amber please don't forget to drop your blueprints in my office before you leave."

"Uhm yes sir, I will"

" Oh and yeah, make sure you have fun..... "

"I'm sure I would"

"You didn't even let me finish. Make sure you have fun cause when you come back, you would not believe a person could have so much work that they've forgotten the last time they even slept."

And with an irritating chuckle he just left and closed the door behind him. I hate that man so much. I've always wondered why he never liked me? I always try and avoid him but he seems to always be in the way. Anyway i've got like two months to worry about that. Simply nothing can spoil my mood cause today is the day and in a few hours, i'll be where i've wanted to be for a very long time.....home.

It's a hot sunny morning and the LA streets are as busy as usual. The people behind the cars blasting their horns are obviousely as faustrated as I am right now. Its only 11am in the morning and yet my car hasn't even moved an inch in this horrible traffick. The sun is blazing and the air is really stiff. Putting on the air conditioner right now is not even an option considering my gas is near empty.

"Why didn't I buy gas! Stupid, stupid me! Where on earth was my....."

And just then I noticed that the people in the car beside me all turned and where staring at me. Don't people mind their freaking business anymore. The worst part is that this guy, who looks half zombie and werewolf mixed with shit is just laughing at me, and so is his obviousely full of plastics girl in the passenger seat.

"Maybe you would stop laughing and face your front."

"Well bi........."

And with that, my lane suddenly started moving and all I found myself doing was speeding away from that guy, in case he was going to come after me and want to have the last word. Why wouldn't I run when he looked so scary.

I mean don't girls even bother to find a decent looking guy anymore or are we turning desperate for a husband. I always say it is not by force to get married. He literally looked like he could crush my skull with his hands and feed me to his dogs afterwards.

With all that's happening I just hope I don't miss my flight. I got to call Stacy and Maddie to go to the airport without me. As if they knew, my phone rang.

"Hey Stace, is maddie there with you?"

"Yeah. Where are you? We are at your house and you know our flight is in like 3hrs right?"

"There was some horrible traffic back there. You guys should just go to the airport without me. It's obvious i'll get there a bit late. I'm driving straight to the airport now so just take my lauggage and i'll meet up with you guys."

"K babes but don't be late. And i've taken the tickets and passports so see you there. Bye."

"Yeah thanks. Bye"

And with that I cut the phone. Great, so my day starts with a horrible boss and wants to end with me missing my flight. Atleast the road has become so much more free and it looks like I would reach there in about 30 minutes.

To lighten up my mood I decided to turn the radio on and thankfully they are playing all of James Bay top hits. I just love him sooo much. He even knows when I need his the most and I didn't even have to say a word, just turned on the radio.

The highway had so many cars that were all heading to the airport. It's the beginning of summer and everyone seemed to have some travelling plans. I could see a bunch of youths who I guess just finished highschool and are travelling with their friends. It brought back good memories of me a few years back.

It's been about 5 years since i'd last gone to the airport. When I was younger, every summer was a new trip to some country or Island. My mum had always loved travelling and we had the money to finance it.

The last time I travelled was the summer after I graduated highschool. I was about 16 and like always, I was the youngest in my set. Others were 17 or 18 by the time they finished.

I applied to a few colleges in France but I decided to go to UCLA cause of their good engineering programme. It was fun and all. Definately a nice change of scenerio. That's were I met my two best friends. My two best friends that are making me miss my flight!

I ended up reaching the airport by 12:30pm and I can already hear the announcements on my flight that is meant to be at 2pm. It's funny how I reached here before them and to top it all, they are with my passport. Isn't it just a great day. Note the sarcasm.

I look like an aimless dude as I roam around doing nothing in particular. I've gone round the shops atleast four times and some security men are even looking suspiciousely at me. It's 1pm when I see them entering the airport. Finally!

"What took you guys so long?"

"Well, Maddie suddenly realized that she forgot her favourite bikini on the bed, so we had to turn back."

"So what you're telling me is that we have not weighed our luggages, checked our tickets and we're almost missing our flight, because of a bikini?"

"You make it sound so bad. Fine i'm sorry Amber. We are already running late, there's no need to fight right now. Let's just go."

I don't even know why I was playing "all in charge". Honestly if I had even forgotten my favourite bra, I would have turned back. It reminds me of the time I forgot my shoes at home when I was younger and my parents had to turn back. We almost missed our flight and my mum was so mad at me throughout the journey.

Luckily for us the people that check our stuff and us, saw we were already running pretty late. We were able to get in the airplane by 1:55, just in time. It was pretty embarrassing though, as we were the last to get in the plane and all eyes were on us. And it wasn't just because we're pretty. Some old ladies at the back were giving us some serious scowls and I could feel the glares of some people.

The pilot announced we were about to take off. As usual the air hostess told us to settle down and wear our seatbelts. After that, one of the hostess demonstrated what to do in an emergency situation.

I usually dread that part because I don't even like the thought of a plane crash. Planning for what will happen, if it happens, gives me nightmares.

Well, by 2:10pm the plane started moving and in a matter of time we were way up in the sky. Everything before me started becoming smaller and slowly faded away. We reached such a high altitude and when the plane was seen to be stable, the food was then served.

Yuck! I hate airplane food. It's so nasty. I had to mumble that to myself. Even the smell gave me nausea. Looks like this is going to be a very long flight. I guess this was why I never really missed travelling in the first place.

Hey guys! First chapter!!!
The picture on top is of Amber (isn't she pretty). Hope you liked the first chapter.

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Love and purple carrots♡♡

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