Chapter 7

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It's 2:25pm and I figured out that girls hate it when guys are late. You should really get going. I drop the sugar down and remove my apron. I've managed to finish glazing the cake. I hope the little girl that ordered the cake would be happy.

I managed to reach the car park just in time. We didn't agree on a specific place to meet and the parking lot was huge but kind of empty. Looking around, she was no where to be found. Maybe she changed her mind idiot. No why would she? Then maybe she forgot. "Great she forgot!"

"I didn't, i'm here. Sorry I kept you waiting but its just 2:32."

I didn't even realize I was thinking out loud. I must have looked like a wacko talking to myself and she heard it. Why do things like this always happen to me.

"Oh uhm hey."
"Hi. Shall we go, cause i'm starving."
"Me too. Let's go. And just so you know, the restaurant is sorta close, so we're walking."
"Ok no problem."

I was beginning to get nervous again. How about if she doesn't like the idea of walking. It's not like i'm too lazy to drive or anything but I was too lazy to buy gas yesterday. It's too late now. I wasn't sure if I was meant to hold her hand or if she'll think it's akward so I left it.

We began the walk and luckily the weather was neither too hot nor cold. She was smiling and again not looking at me.

From what i've seen she barely wears makeup. Not that she needed it. I loved the fact that even if she wore, it was always light and simple. It wasn't overpowering and it made her look good.

Considering I asked her out, I figured I needed to start some conversation. Impress her mode is totally on.

"So do you have a boyfriend back in LA?"
"Yeah.As embarrassing as it'll sound i've never dated anyone before."
"You're kidding right?"

I didn't know when I bursted into fists of laughter. It wasn't intentional or anything but I couldn't help it. She just said she's not dated anyone. This is unbelie....wait why has she stopped walking.

"So this is a joke right. I should have known it."
"Amber I didn't mean it like th-"
"You are just like the rest, an egotistic jerk. You think because you are some hot stuff and you've probably used every girl in your neighbourhood you can laugh at me. Just so you know i've not dated anyone because i'm tired of fools like you."

That last statement stung but I can't deny the fact she callee me hot. I wasn't laughing at her par say. I don't even know why I was. She looks like she's about to stab me. Oh my gosh what have I done. This is even our first date and I really really like her.

I know most people would not believe me and would think its impossible but its true. It's true that from the first time she opened the door I knew she was special. When we were working together I couldn't help but think of her. I texted her by 11pm just to know she was okay and I so badly wanted to talk to her.

I invited her for lunch cause it was an oppurtunity to spend more time with her and now I blew it. She's walking away. Does she even know where she's going. Considering she's lived here before I bet she does.

"Amber please don't go i'm sorry. I didn't mean what I did. I'm so so sorry."
"Don't talk to me. The only reason i'll still go with you for lunch is that i'm hungry or else you could burn in hell."

Yikes! Great she hates me.

"Now lead the way before I decide to go back."
"I'm so sorry. Amber you have to forgive me before we go. I really can't loose you now."

Give Love A Shot Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora