Chapter 8

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"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! He actually asked me out again and took my number."

Maddie and Stacey decided that we'll all stay in my room throughout today and have some girl time. I thought it'll be a good idea since we have been so busy doing different stuffs. We've practically had no time for ourselves.

Stacey's laying on my bed texting with her phone. I'm sure she's now talking to Andrew. She's been sulking about him for the past 30 mins. All she keeps on saying is how much she misses him and how we don't understand. It's like her entire world revolves around him. I used to know how that felt. Sometimes I feel like telling her to get a life but then I realize she's actually inlove with this guy. He even loves her way more. They make a cute couple though.

I mean she finally kept quiet. I was beginning to re-think this 'stay in my room day' so thank God. Thinking i'd suffered the worst, Maddie started talking and when Maddie starts smiling before she talks, you'll know something's up.

"Are you guys even listening to me?

How couldn't we be listening when she's been squealing and jumping all over my bed. Since yesterday, Maddie has been so overexcited about this Brian guy. Or is that even his name? Apparently after they went to the mall yesterday, she claimed they hit it off and he asked for her number

"Ofcourse we are b. I'm so happy for you." Trying not to be sarcastic

"Don't lie Amber. I don't give a f*ck."


Maddie saw the pillow besides her and the next thing I knew the room turned into a pillow fight arena. It's been long since we've had this much fun. Maddie and I formed some sort of alliance. We were against Stacey and kept hitting her with the pillows. She was waving her white flag while screaming mercy by the time we were done with her.

We all fell on the bed and began laughing. The room then fell to this akward silence and when we realized it we started laughing again. I love my friends so much. My mind then went to four days ago when I went out with Vincent.

You could hang out again with me tomorrow to find out."
"Yeah definately a smooth talker. I'll think about it though."
"That's great."

I've still not given him a reply and he didn't bring it up again. He was saying pretty weird stuff like 'I can't loose you.' What did that even mean.

The truth is that I still didn't get why my mind kept drawing back to him. This past few days, i've done nothing but think of him. His words keep replaying in my head and as much as I hate to admit it, I love everything that's happening.

Even though I was mad at him, he made it so easy for me to forgive him. Especially when I met his eyes. They are so amazing. And then his smile...Wait what am I doing?

I haven't told anyone yet about me going out with Vincent. I just think that will bring up too much drama. My mum definately would be glad i'm atleast eating lunch with a guy but Mad and Stace would not let me hear the last of it.

It may have been going out to lunch for me but once Maddie hears about it she'll start planning my wedding.

"I think the line has reached. Earth to Amber. Can you hear us?"
"Hahaha very funny
I can hear you guys though."
"Watcha even thinking about. You seemed like you were dreaming."
"No I wasn't. And I was thinking of nothing Stace."
"Are you hiding something from us?"
"Ofcourse not!"

Well technically I am. Wait a sec, what was up with the interrogation? I know my mind was floating in the air for a few minutes but still. I can't tell them anything yet.

What would you even expect me to tell them. Oh hey, the other day I went out with that guy and now I can't stop thinking of him. Hell no.

"Ofcourse she is Stace. I mean she didn't tell us about her-"

Oh my gosh! Don't tell me Mad knows. I've been angry at them so many times, especially when they kept stuff away from me. Now they have all rights to call me a hypocrite. Maybe it's time I just spill the beans.

"Ok guys I have something to tell you about."

The room suddenly grew silent. From the way Maddie was not looking at me it was obvious she already knew. She continued looking at her fingers and didn't even throw me a glance. I should have known considering she's been all friendly with his bestfriend.

"Me and Vincent went out three days ago. But note, it was not a date."

Squealing Stacey was jumping all over my bed. I have to agree it's a miracle I went out with a guy but she was just over exaggerating. Maddie on the other hand was just smiling and it seemed she wanted more details.

After a little more talking it was obvious we were hungry. My mum said we were getting a whole lot lazier. Apparently she made a new rule saying we are going to be making our own breakfast. That's something i'm used to back in LA. Every three days she also expects me to cook dinner for the family. No complains considering I love cooking.

There was a long argument on what we should eat. Maddie kept saying she wanted bacon, egg and ham. That's an 'i'm pregnant and have cravings' breakfast. It's way too much food.

On the other hand Stace was like "you know I hate ham" and I was like lets eat cereal. To me cereal seemed the best option considering the fact that all you do is pour milk into a bowl and then the cereal. As easy as pie.

In the end, we ate pancakes topped with blueberries. I skipped the blueberry part simply because I hate all types of berries.

As we ate in the parlour, we checked for any interesting show. I usually loved waking up and watching family fueds or friends but Maddie was with the remote and that means she has full rights to whatever we watch.

Her being a fan of all thing detective and crime shows, we ended up watching NCIS. I find them really boring so I just ate my food really fast and excused myself.

Is your head spinning

Is your heart racing

Is there fire in your veins

Are your bones burning

My phone was ringing. Usually i'll let the whole song play and wait for the person to call again but I saw it was Vincent that was calling. He usually doesn't call and I want to hear his voice.

"Hey wassup."
"I'm good. Was just wondering why you haven't been coming to the restaurant for some time now."
"Uhm nothing really. I just wake up late and don't feel like."
"Ok. I'm actually on my way to your house right now. I was thinking we could head to the beach."
"Are you serious? I'm having this girls day at home with my friends."
"They can come too."
"Ok give me some time to get ready. See you then."
"See you too. Bye."

Really!? Atleast it's pretty hot and I could do with a swim but still. That means I need to go bathe and dress up and i'm really not in the mood. Stace and Mad are going to be so happy cause they have been begging me to take them out.

"Stace, Mad, we are going out!" I screamed from the door of my bedroom. I heard one of them say where, and when I said it was to the beach, they just ran to get ready. So much for our girl's day.

Hope you liked the chapter.

Sorry for the late update. I've been writing my exams and I still am.

Check out my other book: Teenage Notes

Love all my readers so much!♡♡☆♡

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Teas and brown betroots¤☆¤

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