Chapter 5

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Everything that has happened today is still amusing me. I mean, who is that girl? When her mum begged me to pick her up I thought i'll be dealing with another obnoxious lady who's aim is to flaunt all her assests and take me home.

To my suprise she didn't even want to have a single conversation with me and that's what made me so curious about who this person is.

She left me waiting for a good 5 minutes before she decided to open the door, but I can tell you that it was all worth it. When she opened the door the first thing I noticed was her long brown hair. I've always liked that shade of brown but it seems like everyone was dying their hair blonde.

Her height was probably a 5'6 while mine is a 5'9, so yeah I was way taller than her. She had nice greenish-blue eyes that complimented everything about her. Her spotless face could not be missed and I liked that she wore very light makeup.

I stood there staring and just looking at her and so did she, except she was staring at something behind me. It was like she was avoiding eye contact. Just as I was about to introduce myself, she stepped backward and that's when we heard a large clash; something broke. I was worried that the glass may have hurt her so I asked if she was alright. Again she didn't talk and there was no reply.

The next thing that popped to my head was that she probably doesn't speak English, so I asked her in French. She was so embarrassed and started blushing. Her whole face went a light shade of red. All I got from her was a simple nod. With that, I began to clear up the broken pieces of glass and after we were done I showed her to the car.

Again, to my suprise, when she saw the car she didn't even blink twice. Other girls would have screamed, started smiling or even flirt with me right there and then. She barely even looked me in the face throughout our encounter. To say she intrigued me would be me being completely honest.

I just wanted to hear her voice so I kept bringing up conversations. I already knew her name but I wanted her to say it. She never knew but throughout the car ride, my eyes were on her most of the time. Not only because I couldn't help but look at her but I was also trying to understand her body language through the silence.

When we reached the destination she just quickly jumped out of the car. She didn't even look back or say thank you. From what I saw, she was shooting evil glares at her mum while her friends were all smiling. I didn't even get why.

The charity work took the whole day. What I loved about it was its simplicity, no cameras or public eyes were here. It was just us doing a good deed. The people here definately needed our help.

The first thing that caught my eye when we got there was an old women who was sitting down and resting her back on a wall in some corner. I expected to see mostly youths in this kind of situation. She looked around 65 and I watched as she began smoking some kind of hard drug.

I really didn't know what to do. If I go and approach her, she may have a knife and kill me, but that's the worst that could have happened. I looked at Mrs Rena who must have seen me staring.

Apparently I wasn't the only one looking cause she also gave my brown hair lady a nod too. Did I just call her mine? What the heck is my brain doing? Or maybe it's just my heart.

With that simple nod we both began to walk towards the old woman. Amber was carrying a paper bag that contained some food we bought for them. I didn't even know if I was staring at what she was carrying or her. She must have noticed cause she smiled for a split second. Progress!

"Hello my name is Amber and he is vincent. We came here to give you this. Hope you're hungry."

Out of everything she said I loved the way she said my name. It was different and somehow cute. And I can't miss out the fact that she spoke English. It made me laugh when I thought of how I was speaking to her in French earlier.

The old woman didn't even look at us. She continued smoking that thing and I was afraid we were both taking in the smoke and that's as good as smoking the drug with her. I looked at Amber and gave her a signal saying we should go.

She didn't even move an inch. She stood there and even went closer to the woman. I heard her talking to her and even persuading the lady to stop. I'm sure the lady was just as suprised as I was cause she looked at Amber for what seemed like 2 full minutes. She then dropped it down and tears started falling from her eyes.

Not a word was spoken from her. She just cried silently and started itching her body. You could tell she was already an addict and that's what hurt me the most. After seeing how piteful the woman looked, it brought back some memories I thought I had buried a long time ago.

I stood up in anger and left them as they both stared at me. What hurt more was that Amber didn't even look suprised at my actions. She acted like she expected it from a guy like me or maybe her silence towards me were speaking greater volumes than her words.

I went to join Mrs Rena in distributing the food and prayer cards. After she lets them eat, she would talk to them for atleast 30 minutes. It actually helped cause some of this youths really seek for help in the end.

Mrs Rena and her husband have this programme for drug addicts. If they choose to change, she pays all the psychiatric bills as well as medical. This is achieved through the large donations she recieves. It has been a major help to the society and her dream is to come here one day and not see a single soul doing drugs. That's massive.

I couldn't help but to look at Amber's direction a few times. The old woman was talking to her about something and it's now I regret leaving her all alone. She obviousely connects with people easily for the old lady to be talking to her so easily.

"You know, rather than staring at her you could just talk to her."

Ofcourse it had to be Ryan who would say that.

"I wasn't staring at her you bighead. I was just, er, looking at that tree."
"I didn't know you were now attracted to trees. What type should I ship to your door tonight."
"Hahaha very funny! You never will change would you. Fine I was looking at her but it's not what you're thinking."
"I didn't say anything. You're the one with a guilty conscience."
"I doubt."
"I would love to continue chatting with you but i've got a hot girl to talk to."
"You know you have a girlfriend right?"
"Friends with benefit. It's not the same thing you know. Gotta go now and go talk to her. I'm sure she doesn't bite. Bye"
"Yeah sure. Bye"

Maybe i'll just invite her to coffee tomorrow morning. From the looks of things she's probably going to reject me and i'm not even sure her mum would approve of this. I don't know but here goes nothing.

She stood up smiling and waved a goodbye to the old lady. That's a perfect oppurtunity for me to talk to her. Why am I so keen on a girl I just met. I don't believe in love at first sight so what's happening to me. Oh my gosh did I just say love. It's now I mentally slap myself.


She doesn't reply again. Why won't she just talk to me. She's seriousely fustrating me now.

"I was wondering if you'll..."

Deep down I wanted to ask her out but I just couldn't. She wasn't looking at me and I was becoming nervous. I had to settle for the second best thing, her number.

"I was wondering if I could have your number."

She looked up at me. I wasn't sure how she'll react but she took a pen from her bag and scribbled it on my palms. Her hands were so soft. I smiled as she walked away. Not bad vincent. You're not bad at all.

"Not so bad was it."

I don't know what to do with my idiot of a bestfriend.

"Don't let me tell Molly what you've been up to."

We both burst out laughing.

"Friends with benefit!"

Hiya lovelies
So that's a picture of Ryan everyone. He matches that dark aura I was giving him and he's smoking too so it's a win-win.

Hope you liked the chapter.

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Treats and black bananas

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