Chapter 4

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The little rays of sunlight that kept penetrating into my eyes is what woke me up this morning. Outside looked a bit misty and you could see the dew that had settled on the leaves outside.

It seemed a bit chilly but luckly, after checking the weather forecast for today, I saw it was going to be very hot in the afternoon.

I stood up from my bed and went towards the mirror. I looked pretty much the same. My skin was still nicely tanned, my eyes were bag free and didn't look puffy but my hair was a little frizzy. That's nothing a nice shampooing and conditioning can't fix.

With that I headed straight to the bathroom. I began my morning rituals; we all know that the earliest bird gets the biggest worm. Except in my case where the earliest bird ends up helping mum in the kitchen. It was even 11am and I'm sure she's preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

I hurridely had my bath and brushed my teeth. I planned to be the first to get ready and suprise everyone. I even decided to wear something pretty decent today knowing that those guys would be there.

It's not like i'm planning on impressing them or anything but I don't want to remain single the rest of my life. With a black crop top that had the quote "bad girl not caught" and a nice blue ripped jeans, even i'm jealous of me.

As I head towards the kitchen I couldn't believe who I saw.



"Oh my gosh is that you!"

She looked so much prettier than the last time I saw her. It's almost like she grew a completely new body as the years past. In highschool Ally was the chobbiest girl in my set. She wasn't made fun of or bullied mostly because she had a lovely personality and knew how to make the whole school laugh.

She was even in the cheerleaders team. That's how our friendship actually started. Now just look at her. I bet she's a size 5 or something. Her braces are even off. She looks so georgous.

"Wow! You haven't changed at all! Your mum called to tell me of your arrival so I decided to see you before I head for work. She told me to wait a bit, saying you just woke up."

"Wow thanks. I've not seen you in so long. You should come over for a sleepover or maybe we could go out to the mall this Saturday."

"Ok sure. Sorry i'm actually in a rush. Nice seeing you again"

"Okay thanks again. See you soon I hope."

"Yeah for sure. Bye"

That was a suprise. I hope more people come over. I've missed them so much. By the way where is everyone? It looks like i'm the only one in the house and that is strange. Oh wait something's vibrating in my pocket.

"Hey mum. Where are you guys? Am I the only one at home?"

"Sorry sweetie but we had to leave without you. You looked so peaceful sleeping and we were running late. But don't worry Vincent is on his way to pick you up. Infact he should be there any moment from now."

When I heard the name Vincent I was too afraid to ask who that was. I swear I could see my mum wriggle her brows when she said his name.

"Mum, who, is, vincent?"

I just had to ask so slowly and she didn't disappoint me. It was exactly who I had guessed. It's the neighbour we saw yesterday. I hope my mum isn't throwing boyfriends in my way. She's complained a handful of times that I never date anyone. I could not even ask her were my breakfast was, I was in full panick mode.

Amber what's wrong with you. You're acting like you've never seen a guy before. I was mentally scolding myself. I'm usually shy but not that shy. Why the heck am I pacing round the kitchen then. Oh my, this would not end well.

As I kept on pacing thinking of the worst, that was when I heard the door bell ring. Oh my gosh he's here. After about 2 minutes I summoned enough courage and went to open the door. Just guess what I saw.

There was a guy that I couldn't believe would ever exist. He looked so much better even closer. Don't even ask me what his face looked like because I was looking everywhere but there. I managed to fix my eyes at some roses which were beside him.

I could not utter a word and that is very strange to me. It was like he was expecting me to say something but I couldn't. I felt like he was reading me and I didn't like one bit of it. Was that a smile I saw on his lips? And then that's when I just had to embarrass myself.

I moved a step backward for reasons I don't know why and then boom! I broke something.

"Are you okay?"

What's wrong with me? I still didn't say anything. I'm sure he's think i'm deaf or something.

"Hello? Do you understand what i'm saying or do you speak french?"

Amber talk! If my mind was telling me this why wasn't I doing it. His voice was so husky and nice. I just wanted to keep hearing it. Amber what's wrong with you. You just met him! It's like a war was going on in my head cause I could hear a thousand different voices.

"Est ce que tu vas bien? Je vais nettoyer cette. Attendez ici, d'accord."

I only managed to nod my head to save myself from any further embarrassment. He cleaned it up and said we were ready to go. He tried making eye contact with me but I always managed to look in the other direction.

He ushered me out of the house and locked the door. I asumed we were going to walk there but then he opened the door to his car for me. His car looked pretty expensive. Was probably some sports car but what I really liked about it was that it was my favourite colour, dark blue.

He introduced himself after a long akward silence. He said his name was Vincent. That I already knew. He kept saying it all in French like I didn't understand English. To be honest I loved it. I loved every word that came from his mouth. Gosh! What kind of hormones are out today.

He then asked me for my name. I refused to say anything but he seemed not to mind. If anything he looked amused at everything that was happening. After a while he kept quiet. Maybe he finally realized he was having a one person conversation. To say that i'm embarrassed right now is an understatement. I want to jump into a hole or fall off a cliff.

Luckily the ride to the place was short and I hurridly got out of the car. I saw my mum giggling and I wanted to rip that smile off. Stacey was giving me some wriggly brows and Maddie kept adjusting her shirt and mouthing hot at me. I'm just here shaking my head. Wait till I tell them what happened to me.

Hey lovelies
That's a picture of Vincent. He fits the character so perfectly.

Wasn't that embarrassing?!!? (XD)

Keep voting and plz comment. I love all your comments.

Day and purple rain¤¤|¤¤

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