chapter one

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Mayflower was two and so she was dancing around the room with her parents. Bramwell looked at Mayflower and smiled.

      "That's my little flower." said Bramwell and then he picked up Mayflower and hugged her.

 Catherine hugged her husband and daughter. Catherine smiled and took Mayflower out of Bramwell's arms. Bramwell went away as someone called his name. Catherine watched and sighed as her husband left to go work. Catherine went upstairs with Mayflower. She went into her room. She put her daughter down on the floor and got into bed. Mayflower climbed onto the bed and laid down on her mother.

       "I'm guessing you're tired too. Well go to sleep if you want to my sweet flower." Murmured Catherine softly.

 Mayflower looked at her mother. Catherine stroked Mayflower's hair and Mayflower fell asleep. Mayflower opened her eyes in a dream. A woman who looked a little like her mother.

      "Oh you stupid little girl. Your grandma took everything from me your grandfather. I loved him before josette ever did. Your grandmother didn't deserve him so I'm owing him a favor. You will never see again." The woman said angrily and then she started laughing. 

Mayflower looked at the woman and her vision began to disappear. She woke up and screamed. She put her hands over her eyes. Catherine automatically opened her eyes. Bramwell was laying beside Catherine. He got up out of bed and went over to Mayflower.

      "Can't see momma. Can't see." Screamed Mayflower. 

Catherine took Mayflower's hands off her eyes. Mayflower still couldn't see nothing so she shook her head. Catherine ran out of the room with her child in her arms. She took her daughter to a doctor that lived in her and bramwell's home. The doctor took Mayflower from Catherine's arms. After a while the doctor looked at Catherine.

      " I'm sorry but she's blind." Stated the doctor.

 Bramwell walked into the room and Catherine ran to her husband. She put her head in his chest. The doctor left the two parents and the little girl alone. Mayflower was laying in a bed with a bandage over her eyes. Catherine ran over to her daughter and fell to her knees. Bramwell watched his wife on her knees on the floor.

      "Why my daughter? Why?" Yelled Catherine.

 Bramwell bent down and hugged his wife. Tears went down Catherine's face and onto the floor. Bramwell wiped the tears off his wife's eyes. He looked at Mayflower. Catherine ran out of the room and outside. She ran towards a carriage. Bramwell ran towards her and grabbed her.

      "Let me go Bramwell. I can't take care of Mayflower anymore. I just can't see what else will happen to my precious flower. I just can't!" Cried Catherine. 

Bramwell didn't let go and Catherine began to struggle.

      "So you're just going to leave her to die! We both know you won't do that! She's our daughter you can't just throw her away just because she's blind! She needs you as her mother! So come back to the house and calm down!" Yelled Bramwell.

 Catherine calmed down and nodded. The married couple walked back home. Catherine still wasn't sure but when she looked at her daughter she ran over to her child. Mayflower was awake in the bed.

      "Mommy you said you'd never leave me ever." Shuddered Mayflower.

 Catherine hugged her daughter and began to cry again. Bramwell watched from the doorway and began crying. He ran to his family and hugged them both. The doctor came into the room and quietly left it to leave them alone again. Mayflower looked blindly at the doorway as the doctor left. Catherine looked at the door. Mayflower heard the woman from her dream laugh evilly. It could only mean one thing that was the laugh of the witch long ago, the witch known as Angelique Bouchard.

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