chapter two

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Catherine stayed with her child. Mayflower wouldn't fall asleep because she was too scared to even close her eyes. She didn't like Angelique at all.

      "Come on my little flower. You need to fall asleep. It's not healthy for you to stay awake." Whispered Catherine. 

Mayflower started kicking and screaming. Catherine began humming. Mayflower stopped kicking and screaming. Mayflower then fell asleep. Her eyelashes began to flutter as she began to dream. Bramwell quietly walked into the room and sighed in relief as his daughter slept.

      "Finally she sleeps after three days. I was beginning to think she'll ever fall asleep." Sighed Bramwell in a quiet voice so that Mayflower stayed asleep. 

Catherine left the room with Bramwell following right behind her. Bramwell kissed his wife and grabbed her arm. They began to dance. Mayflower began to scream. Catherine and Bramwell didn't even notice their screaming child. Mayflower ran out of the room and out the front door. A woman was standing in front of Mayflower. Mayflower could sense her presence.

      "It's OK little one. It's your grandmother. I won't hurt you I promise. I want to make you see again." Soothed the woman. 

Mayflower realized the woman was her grandma, Josette. Josette put her hands in front of the little girl's eyes. Mayflower began to see everything around her. She hugged her dead grandmother. She looked around and there was a lot of ghost. A woman with black hair stepped in front of Mayflower.

      "Hi sweetheart. I'm your great grandmother, Naomi Collins and that little girl over there is my daughter and your great aunt Sarah Collins." Introduced the black haired woman. 

The little girl known as Sarah Collins stood beside her mother and smiled at Mayflower. They disappeared and so did the other ghost as Catherine and Bramwell ran towards their daughter. Mayflower ran to her parent's with happiness.

      "Mommy, Daddy, I can see! I can see!" Yelled Mayflower with excitement. 

Catherine and Bramwell saw Josette. Bramwell went over to his dead mother. Bramwell mouthed thank you and Josette dipped her head. Bramwell, Catherine watched as Josette began to fade. Catherine picked up Mayflower and went back home.


Mayflower couldn't sleep so she went into her parents room. Her mother and father were sleeping. She climbed onto the bed and Catherine woke up. Catherine put her arms around her daughter as Mayflower laid down.

       "Now go to sleep my little flower." Whispered Catherine and she began humming.

 Mayflower rubbed her eyes and fell asleep. Mayflower didn't dream at all that night. When she woke up in the early morning her father wasn't on the bed. Mayflower walked into the hallway and saw Sarah Collins. Sarah Collins grabbed Mayflower's arm and the two went into another room. In the room there was some old toys.

      "Let's play a game." Said Sarah.

 Mayflower nodded and they began to play hide n seek. Sarah was hiding and Mayflower was looking for her. Mayflower went into her room and looked underneath her bed. Sarah wasn't under. She went into the drawing room and looked over at the corner. Over in the corner Sarah was hiding in it. Sarah looked at Mayflower and giggled. It was Mayflower's turn to hide, so she went into her room and hid in the closet. About ten minutes Sarah opened up the closet door and opened it.

      "Sarah let's take a break." Murmured Mayflower. 

Sarah nodded and the two girls Sat by each other on the ground in Mayflower's room. Naomi walked into the room and sat on Mayflower's bed. Sarah and Mayflower got off the floor and sat on the bed with Naomi. Naomi began to tell a story about Barnabas Collins.

      "Barnabas couldn't sit still so I told him to stop dancing around and behave." Stated Naomi.

 Sarah and Mayflower started laughing. Naomi finished her story and Mayflower fell asleep. Naomi and Sarah got off the bed and Naomi tucked Mayflower into bed. She fell asleep and the two ghost faded away. Bramwell came into the room and looked at Mayflower fast asleep. He left his daughter to sleep. Josette appeared and gently stroked Mayflower's blond hair. She began to hum a song. Catherine walked into the room and looked at her daughter.

      "Your Josette are you? You brought a wonderful son into the world. I wouldn't have done anything without him. He's an excellent father. Thank you so much." Commented Catherine.

 Josette smiled and hugged Catherine. Catherine had a lot of respect for the disseised woman. Josette dipped her head and disappeared. Catherine was left alone with her daughter. She kissed Mayflower on the head. Mayflower's eyelashes began to flutter to tell her mother that she was dreaming. If Josette didn't have your father, I wouldn't have had you, I'd be alone all my life, thought Catherine.

      " you are an excellent mother. Me and my mother know that. I'm glad I have you and Mayflower. " said Bramwell softly, who was standing in the doorway. 

Catherine ran to Bramwell and kissed him. They kissed nonstop for a couple of minutes. Mayflower woke up and started crying. Catherine went over to her daughter and picked her up. She sat in the rocking chair and began rocking her. Bramwell looked and walked inside the room. He sat on the bed and watched Catherine. Mayflower then fell back asleep in her mother's arms.

      "I'm going to stay in with her Bramwell." Stated Catherine.

 Bramwell nodded and left the room. Catherine fell asleep in the rocking chair.

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