chapter seven.

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Crystal came home with her knew son Alexander. Alexander was asleep in his mother's arms. Mayflower ran over to her aunt and cousin. Crystal bent down so Mayflower could see Alexander.

"He's adorable aunt Crystal!" Whispered Mayflower than she kissed her knew cousin on the head. Catherine smiled at her child.

 Daphne came into the room and took Mayflower into the other room. Daphne Sat in a chair and put her niece on her lap. Mayflower put her arms around her aunt's neck and kissed her on the cheek. Daphne smiled and looked at Mayflower.

"I love you too Mayflower." Murmured Daphne.

 Mayflower fell asleep on her lap. Catherine came in and looked at her sleeping child. Daphne saw a little bit of jealousy in her sister's eyes. Catherine roughly took Mayflower from her and went into her room. She laid Mayflower on the bed. She climbed into bed and wrapped her arms around her flower. Not soon after Bramwell climbed into bed beside his family.

"Mayflower seems to love Daphne more than me." Said Catherine silently as tears ran down her face.

 Bramwell lifted up his wife's head and kissed her. They kissed for a while then came up for air.

"Don't worry I think she loves you both equally. Just you wait and see my Darling." Assured Bramwell. 

Catherine nodded and he kissed her on the head. Catherine put her head down and drifted off into sleep. Bramwell looked at his wife with a lot of love. He soon laid down and fell asleep. Meanwhile downstairs Daphne was talking with Crystal. Why did my sister have to be so rude about me picking up her child and loving her, thought Daphne.

"I'm so glad I got Alexander to finally get it go to sleep. He Cries and Cries." Sighed Crystal. 

 Daphne looked at her and smiled. She then disappeared. Alexander began to cry again. His mother let out a moan and ran upstairs.


Catherine woke up beside her husband and child. She went into the bathroom and threw up. She looked at the mirror and saw her baby belly. Her belly was swollen more than usual. Mayflower walked into the bathroom and looked at her mother. She gave Catherine a big hug

"Is Mommy okay?" Wondered Mayflower.

Catherine returned her daughter's hug and kisses her on the head.

"I'll be fine!" Yelled Catherine.

 Mayflower's bottom lip came out and she ran down stairs. Daphne was waiting downstairs for Mayflower. Mayflower jumped into her aunt's arms and began to cry. Daphne hugged Mayflower with a smile. Mayflower felt a sharp pain in her back. She fell to the ground. Daphne looked at her niece with horror. Black wings grew out of her back.

"The curse! The curse has come!" Screamed Daphne. 

Mayflower looked at Daphne with confusion. Daphne guided Mayflower to a mirror. Mayflower looked at her reflection in the mirror. She touched her wings then looked up at her aunt with fascination.

"Don't tell mommy please. I don't want her freaking out because of the curse." Pleaded Mayflower.

 The wings then grew back into her back and Catherine ran downstairs. Daphne disappeared. Mayflower ran past her mother and into her room. Daphne the cat was laying on her bed. Bramwell walked into the room quietly.

"Why are you so jumpy lately?" Wondered Bramwell.

 Mayflower shrugged and ran outside. She got in a carriage and went into town. Once the carriage stopped inside Collinsport, she snuck into a Alleyway. A man came over and punched at her. Her wings came out and she attacked him. She heard a police officer run over to her. Mayflower put her wings back and ran. The police chased after her. Because of Mayflower's tiny legs it was easy for the police officer to catch her.

"We will wait for your parents at the police Station." Announced the policeman. 

He picked up Mayflower and went over to a building. She was put in a cell. The police walked out of the building.

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