Chapter 2 - Into The Mansion

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A/N: This is where the bit I wrote for school starts mixed with new ideas :)

Enjoy!! xx


We stood silently, looking at the door. With a slow creaking sound, it opened. Taking a deep breath, we walked inside, arms linked together really tight. The room behind the door was dark, the only thing in sight was a large, long wooden staircase, a few feet from the door.

I felt as if we should turn back and leave, but as I turned to face the open door, it slammed its self shut with a thunderous BANG! With no other option, we made our way up the large staircase, shitting ourselves, each step creaked as we went up.

At the top of the stairs, we were greeted by a long, narrow dark hallway, with doors on each side. I tried the first door while Emmy tried the one opposite. No luck. They wouldn't budge. As we each went to try the next doors on our sides, we noticed at the end of the long hallway there was a candle burning in front of one of the doors. But this door was open, the only one open, I felt so scared and I could tell that Emmy felt the same way I did from the look that was on her face. However we had no other way to go, so we walked towards the open door, I bent down and grabbed the candle off of the floor on the way.

Emmy was about to enter but I had held her back, I did the cliché thing and called into the room ''Hello?'. As if someone was going to answer, no one did.

I had nodded for Emmy to enter, I followed her. As we got deeper into the room, I noticed that on the wall, that was farthest from us, had papers pinned to it. "Let's not go over there." Emmy said to me, her voice shaking. As we turned away from the wall, I noticed on the wall that was to the left of us, was a closed door. Without even thinking, it seemed, we went straight for it. After we'd put our strength together and pushed it open, we grabbed each other's hands and walked through.

A/N: This is where I'm stopping with the bit from my school assessment as it isn't very thrilling, it goes 'when they go in the room there's a nice kind old woman who tells her why she's there and then she, walks her home,(I wrote it with only one person), So I'm gonna make it more 'dun dun dun'

Bye xxx

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